2009-09-23, 22:26:32
Prog Wrote:horselance Wrote:Quote:I play 4.53 version. There is also 4.547 but i dont like it..
Inde you probably didnt read rest of post or maybe you did, but didnt get the idea..
What i mention here is some tanks can go to the late game. And some tanks cant.. Zepplin and sky tank is in this group. Their only abilty is to sweep creeps, which is not enough in late game. And not enough vs strong tanks like demon, Frost or Hunter..
Why do I actually see (and play) Air ships and Sky tanks in the late game until the end-game tanks (sky fort/inf/titan) in private clangames on northrend? Even the helicopter can be played straight to infernal in those games and i doubt anyone would say that btnk/sake/bug clangames are lowskilled and not a good reference for balance issues.
It is more that you don't see players going from airship to sky tank because the difference is still too weak. Increasing price and power of sky tank would make it much more interesting. Don't you think so? Losing 2.250 gold by selling airship to get the sky tank that is 3500 gold higher is not that interesting. It is my opinion.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !