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Hunter's Plague Skill is Still too Over Powered
Nice analysis, it follows the main problem: distinction between tiers and tiers 4 tanks.

Exodus used the system of defense requirement to create "artificial barrier". Looking at tiers 3 tanks (wich tiers 1 cant handle. The idea is you cant handle tanks that are 2 tiers above yours, so tiers 1 can handle max tiers 2, tiers 2 can handle max tiers 3)

Tiers 2:
Thunder 4k
Airship 4500
Ghost 4500
Gardian 5000
Heavy 5500
Gob 6500
Earth 7000

Difference = 3k but thunder can handle earth

Tiers 3:

Sky tank 8k (tiers 2.5?)
Hunter 9k
Demon 10k
Frost 13k

Difference = 5k but sky tank +5k hull can hardly handle frost

"artifical barrier"

Tiers 4

Sky fort 14k
--> Frost can handle sky fortress.

Infernal 18k
Titan 25k

There is a real lack at tiers 3 and tiers 4.
The requirement is quit a problem between sky fort and frost.
(maybe making requirement for inf et titan only?)

The player who play air cang get sky tank as tiers3 but meet the artificial barrier if he want to keep air. Since airship is at begining of tiers 2 (10 min of games) and sky tank is at begining of tioers 3 (or end of tiers 2?)m there is a bad position of this tank.

Concerning the demon, This is tank is some way the "average of tiers 3". Concerning the hunter, I agree, we should increase his price and adjust his hp but then the gap between sky tank and other tiers 3 is even more visible.

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !

Messages In This Thread
Re: Hunter's Plague Skill is Still too Over Powered - by Althend - 2009-09-24, 01:38:09

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