2009-09-24, 08:49:36
Prog Wrote:I'll suggest to replace the percentual damage to a fixed value.
I get your point, but imo this would hurt the Hunter too much. There is a rather big gap between the strength (HP) of the tanks, when you are able to get the Hunter until the time you still can compete against the others with the Hunter. Finding a good damage value inbetween would mean, that it's too strong early and too weak later. When trying to further nerf this skill, I'd rather see a shorter duration, less slow or even make the skill channeling. I think it's rather important, that there is a possibility to break through a wall of massive HP tanks, which would normally take a long fight, after which both sides are forced to go back and heal.
Overall I can say, that I tried to balance the Hunter, by making his skills long range, but rather weak in close combat (which happens more often in lategame). The suggestion, that the gas also slows him and his allies might also fit in there.
As for Althends "problem". I think it's not important to force the tanks in some groups like these tiers. You say, according to these groups, the Sky Tanks doesn't right fit into the game, but then Prog says, it's still played pretty often (more than some other tanks at least). This just means for me, that your list does not quite reflect the real ingame situation. Every tank is designed to play a certain role and imo Sky Tanks plays his role as an anti ground and (kinda) anit building tank quite good.
And yeah, the defense requirements were first just implemented to make upgrades more valuable and to prevent direct rushes to the Infernal. It's still possible, but requires a bit more effort. The requirement-system in it's current form is not that well implemented, since it only affects the three most expensive tanks. The extended requirements would still fit better into the game, imo. That way, certain tanks would be played more often, just because they are available earlier.
But this is not the point of this discussion. When you are still interested in your tier list Althend, please open a new thread for this.
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