2009-09-24, 12:35:24
@Exodus : I dont think making extended requirements will make some tanks used more often. (maybe only in hb where money flows like hell)
It will just make ppl use better hulls earlier. Changing tanks often is not a good strategy anyway. And ppl will not sacrifice money for lesser tanks where they can wait 10min more for a much better tank..
@Althend: Sky Tank is really fitting nowhere i agree this. Too expensive for killing lesser tanks, and too weak to challenge vs demon, frost and hunter (even zeppelin and helli)..
@Prog: Zeppelin is used for just transtion and not good for fighting better tanks. It has mobility for good runs, good for killing creeps, thats why its used a lot, (ah and cost is easy to achieve also). When enemy buy a tank you cannot stick to your Zeppelin anymore... Especially Frost..
I myself use Zeppelin a lot too (60% of my games), but it does not mean it is not weak. What i mean by "weak" is not in meaning of its transit to other tanks. But i want all tanks to be able to used in late game just like hunter can.
@Subject: This ability is much disturbing then it is power. Because it never ends.. and when it has slow effect it is an obstacle on ground.
There are many solutions to make it a proper skill.
>Reduce duration - increase dps - decreasing total %damage
>Remove or greatly reduce slow effect
>Deal a disease like damage to area where effect does not stay on ground but on tanks that were hit by AoE. And no slow..
And i think not only this ability but also Ultimate around 10% duration reduction. Because this abilty is really weak (but disturbing) without Ulti.
It will just make ppl use better hulls earlier. Changing tanks often is not a good strategy anyway. And ppl will not sacrifice money for lesser tanks where they can wait 10min more for a much better tank..
@Althend: Sky Tank is really fitting nowhere i agree this. Too expensive for killing lesser tanks, and too weak to challenge vs demon, frost and hunter (even zeppelin and helli)..
@Prog: Zeppelin is used for just transtion and not good for fighting better tanks. It has mobility for good runs, good for killing creeps, thats why its used a lot, (ah and cost is easy to achieve also). When enemy buy a tank you cannot stick to your Zeppelin anymore... Especially Frost..
I myself use Zeppelin a lot too (60% of my games), but it does not mean it is not weak. What i mean by "weak" is not in meaning of its transit to other tanks. But i want all tanks to be able to used in late game just like hunter can.
@Subject: This ability is much disturbing then it is power. Because it never ends.. and when it has slow effect it is an obstacle on ground.
There are many solutions to make it a proper skill.
>Reduce duration - increase dps - decreasing total %damage
>Remove or greatly reduce slow effect
>Deal a disease like damage to area where effect does not stay on ground but on tanks that were hit by AoE. And no slow..
And i think not only this ability but also Ultimate around 10% duration reduction. Because this abilty is really weak (but disturbing) without Ulti.