2009-09-27, 20:38:04
TKF Wrote:It does cost only 1000 gold, it's more than good enough. I'm not against the suggestion of making it do slightly more damage vs creep armor. But not 100%.
Although laser tower sucks very hard against heavy tank armor skill, rocket tower does high damage, low cooldown.
Rocket Tower have a 55%+ damage modifier if you compare to weapons in non-upgraded state, but the rocket tower can be destroyed. In addition it does splash damage. The siege damage does less vs creeps as well.
The laser tower does 400dps and damage being reduced by armor values. It has about 200%+ damage modifier if you compare with weapons in non-upgraded state. But no splash damage. Chaos Does full damage against all armor types.
Unlike weapons towers gets stronger during the game.
Rocket Towers suck ass and are not worth the 1000 gold. The only reason they are even in the game is because the cp's and bases spawn with them. Saying any tower is at least decent against heavy tank is pointless, it can just snipe them with mortars. Also, since patch 8.58 laser towers have a small splash and surprisingly enough, rocket towers got a 25% boost which in fact did nothing for them now.
Obviously, weapons don't get any stronger. I'm not sure if you noticed, but the towers are fighting tanks and not weapons.
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.