2009-10-14, 02:00:03
Kesarion Wrote:It's a good solution scron, also, the change can be done quickly. I don't think the Hunter sympathizers would agree though and that could be problematic :roll:The only main difference is that it would be used more to initiate, and defend... rather than outright rape & finish them ontop of all that. Like I said, you can tweak the numbers to fix the "LACK OF DAMAGE" as if that really is a problem but in all seriousness, something needs to be done to stop this tank from having too much of an advantage against nearly every single strong tank that is land based.
Am I wrong when I assume that the hunters gas cloud used to work on air tanks too? Or has it never worked on them? With my suggested edit, you could even allow air tanks to take damage and it would still be "balanced" ... which seems fair enough to me.