2008-04-18, 14:25:31
Sorry but i dont know why you think my reaction was meant for you...(and dont worry, i always read a whole topic before reacting
)? i only reacted to the idea of making money by diffusing mines. And then i suggested that if you (people in general over here) would really like to change something, then lower the cost of the diffuse kit a very small bit. Nothing more, nothing less...
But i reconsidered after re-reading and dersatan's remark. If it is the mines of the demolisher only, then yes, maybe a small damage reduction but also cooldown reduction is a good idea... The other mines are really fine as they are now imo, it is also a huge sacrifice to buy such mines as to money and inventory slots...

But i reconsidered after re-reading and dersatan's remark. If it is the mines of the demolisher only, then yes, maybe a small damage reduction but also cooldown reduction is a good idea... The other mines are really fine as they are now imo, it is also a huge sacrifice to buy such mines as to money and inventory slots...