2008-06-25, 17:07:37
well i'm still trying to figure out exactly what the deal with this tank is. It's kind of like a heavy tank with a teleporter all rolled into one but with all it's abilities jumbled around. the rocket ability, the hail of rockets, and the building damaging ability of the mortars sort of got added to the new aoe spell. and yes, u do loose the stun but u get a slow instead which amounts to about the same thing. the two armor abilities replace the fortified armor. the teleport is shorter and harder to control, but it does aoe damage.
one thing i noticed which i thought was pretty hillarious was what happens when he walks over the dark side base's brown tile with level 5 armor.
i think every team of 3 or more should maybe have one earth tank. i don't know if this tank does all that well against fast air ships though. is everyone sure this tanks ult hits air? i'll have to test that further. i could have sworn it didn't. i haven't made up my mind about the ET yet. it's definately not bad.
one thing i noticed which i thought was pretty hillarious was what happens when he walks over the dark side base's brown tile with level 5 armor.

i think every team of 3 or more should maybe have one earth tank. i don't know if this tank does all that well against fast air ships though. is everyone sure this tanks ult hits air? i'll have to test that further. i could have sworn it didn't. i haven't made up my mind about the ET yet. it's definately not bad.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?