2010-02-02, 22:01:44
khEg Wrote:one solution could be that bombs placed in own base dont do damage to allied buildings .. !?
maybe a bit stupid xD dunno what do you think?
other solution could be that you only can place a bomb if all "force factories" are gone.. something like that
I agree with this. Why do we still allow the only way to teamkill? Instead of removing damage entirely, we put reduced damage? We never attempted to balance hb, we just got rid of it. There are extreme cases where you might actually want a bomb in your own base, i.e. they have a factory in there, but if they have a factory in your base you lost already. The bomb should not be put back into the inventory, if they attempt to tk then they lose their cash.
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.