2010-04-10, 23:12:42
Something I discovered today: Net also seems to be buggy regarding smoke - when someone clicks net on you, then you use smoke, he nets you and can still hit you. Also, you can use smoke while being neted and in the newest version (8.69c at the time of writing this) it does seem that smoke does not work when being neted. No radar involved before any of you starts to ask.
How about removing net from the game altogether?
I don't like removing options from the game either, but as it stays, net seems totally imbalanced to me - on one hand it can be circumvented by sky fortress, on the other hand, you can't teleport out of the net and it seems to disable smoke.
Don't know, maybe someone has some good suggestions regarding net - enabling tp again in net would be perfect i think
How about removing net from the game altogether?
I don't like removing options from the game either, but as it stays, net seems totally imbalanced to me - on one hand it can be circumvented by sky fortress, on the other hand, you can't teleport out of the net and it seems to disable smoke.
Don't know, maybe someone has some good suggestions regarding net - enabling tp again in net would be perfect i think
Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.