2010-04-12, 16:54:08
IlPalazzo Wrote:And this is the point, why the nets should stay, as they are. They are a true counter-item versus special tanks and Game-Setups. But also, I would like to see at least the mortar-team-item with the cooldown in any time as a consumable item, because the same scenario works on them: Only a real counter-item versus special Game-Setups (or is here someone, who is buying this item, if there are no tinkers with their nasty towers?k-bones Wrote:Well, repair kit is balanced. And most of the time it can win you the fight.
The difference is that the repair affects you, while the nets are used on your opponents. If your opponents switches out of his air tank and there's no one left to net, then the item is underpowered. If they are completely composed of air units, the nets would see a lot of use, to the point where some might think it's overpowered because it's forcing them to switch out of their tank. It's better off as a consumable, because like the teleport breaker, it has a variable amount of utility depending on how your opponent plays.