2010-05-13, 08:54:02
Prog Wrote:-Most important: Play hitpoint-heavy. You should be rather low on weapons and high on hit points (or items doing something similar, like troops, repair,..). Why? It's quite simple: When you fall behind it is key not to think "how can i catch up?", but rather "how do i stop feeding?". Even if you never catch up goldwise, it is important for your team that you play safe and don't risk createing an unstoppable opponent.
When I see someone fall behind in pubs they usually keep doing what got them in trouble. They get MORE aggressive with too little hit points to try to get more kills to make up for dying. They then just end up dying more to the more powerful opponent, and he ends up with an early game thunder tank or air ship. The key is to be more conservative and at all costs avoid more feeding. 200-400g from 1-2 kills is a decent chunk in the beginning, but by minute 10 it isn't much if you haven't fed more. If you pushed it and died 4 more times, that's 1200g he's up on you PLUS all the creep time while you were dead, maybe even a tower kill thrown in at your cp. It's a difference of cash in the thousands.