2010-05-22, 16:02:41
Ger-Dyers-Eve Wrote:Uh... how to tell what I want, without doing a cuss? I dont know. Learn to Play!
If you fall back in mid-lane, then just go on top or bot and push there. No one force you to play in mid, battle-tanks is a flexible game and if someone tells you "go out of my lane" then explain him the problem and tell him its a teamgame. Also, as every bodey in the league are thinking "one players in each outta-lane and 3 in midlane" you can use their psycholgy against them and make a rush if there are too much tinkers in mid-lane.
oh man.
if one can't creep in middle, how exactly sharing creeps on a sidelane could help?
after reading the forums for a while I think you consider the game perfect and nothing needs changing, therefore everyone who disagrees is a noob. at the same time you seem to never have been in most of the situations you discuss.