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Dealing with flamers
AGGInator Wrote:
eSVau Wrote:/squelch <nick>Confusedhock:

too easy... :!:

well, I guess our mappers and guys from the dev. team got nothing to do but wainting until it´s time for bed :roll:
So why use the ´easy` way by squelching players, if they could trigger a new possibilty to handle with flamers (beside triggering to handle leavers, triggering the bots, triggering a new kick-sys.... and so on) Confusedhock:
Der Vorteil an der Klugheit ist, dass man sich dumm stellen kann.
Andersherum ist dies schon erheblich schwieriger.

Messages In This Thread
Dealing with flamers - by ckibibi - 2010-08-19, 10:01:48
Re: Dealing with flamers - by kingnounours - 2010-08-21, 21:35:55
Re: Dealing with flamers - by eSVau - 2010-08-21, 22:08:30
Re: Dealing with flamers - by AGGInator - 2010-08-22, 03:19:06
Re: Dealing with flamers - by Orthodox - 2010-08-22, 07:59:36
Re: Dealing with flamers - by ckibibi - 2010-08-23, 10:16:13
Re: Dealing with flamers - by Orthodox - 2010-08-23, 15:33:40

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