2010-09-28, 14:45:44
i need to say 1 more thing.Sorry for not making clear the meaning behind the skill difference.I sincerely apologize for my misleading comment its my fault for not explaining the reasons behind it again sorry dream team didnt mean to offend you in that way.
I want to say that by skill difference i didnt many any play that is being affected by lag/delay, I meant the response to your enemys movements,the teamwork and the communication.
Sorry if you miseunderstood that as a comment on your tank control or farming skills again its my fault for not explaining i didnt mean that at all.Nobody can blame you if your moves are little off becouse you really have delay and lags and thats the fact.
Again sorry its my fault for making such a two sided comment without explaining it.
I want to say that by skill difference i didnt many any play that is being affected by lag/delay, I meant the response to your enemys movements,the teamwork and the communication.
Sorry if you miseunderstood that as a comment on your tank control or farming skills again its my fault for not explaining i didnt mean that at all.Nobody can blame you if your moves are little off becouse you really have delay and lags and thats the fact.
Again sorry its my fault for making such a two sided comment without explaining it.
It is Not Because Things are Difficult that We Do Not Dare; It Is Because We Do Not Dare,that They are Difficult.