2010-10-01, 16:59:30
olivercamel Wrote:mooneye Wrote:I got olivercamel's email on Thursday night, US time(The email was sent by oliver on Thursday afternoon). There was ONLY 38 hrs away from the 1st match on Saturday. I forwarded the schedule to every players, worrying about if they could get the message in time. There was less than 38 hrs for my group members to check email and change their schedules, if possible. We barely scrambled 5 players for the 1st game. How possible can we prepare for the 2nd, 3th game?
How can you say you gave us PLENTY of time for 3 games within 24 hrs? You are so shameful to put responsibility to others and fabricate "prohunter(dont know much English) didn't get it.
I gave your 38 hours in advance before the 1st game, and you got 6 more hours between 1st and 2nd games. You could start complaining as soon as you receive my email. But your team chose to complain after the 2nd game, at that time I got ONLY 7 hours to handle it.
Well, guys, I´ve read the whole thread now. I choosed not to answer here until now, because the other btt-staff was doing it. Well, what can I say...
In my opinion it was a bad circumstance for dream team, BUT, like Prog said, any other team would be treated like dream team and would have to do 3 games at one weekend, if they would have been at thier position. It is not easy for anyone to handle that (neither for the teams, nor the staff/referees). We all got our private life, and the btt/btanks is just a hobby. And because it is a global tournament with non-eu-teams and eu-teams, it is very hard for us/oliver to get a shedule done.
There is always space for ´mistakes` , because this is the first (and hopefully not the only) BTT, where we all have to do our experience. When it comes to the rules, they were made to handle specific situations, and we all have to handle them. We were editing them one time, to handle the problem concerning the DC-theme. But like I said, we ( tthe btt-staff) and every other member of the teams has follow them.
The most important thing, concerning the fact about ´not having enough time to handle the shedule`...
I agree with Oli. Oliver is also just a human being ( I hope so ), and he is trying to manage things out as soons as possible. So the time, he is informinig the teams about the shedule is as soons as possible! And right after the team leaders/ or the guys who can speak for their specific team are getting this mail, they have time to complain the shedule ´as soons as possible´! So in case of Dream team, the point ´as soons as possible` is before the first game, and not later sometime.
So according to the rules, when it was time for the 3rd game of dream team, while 2 referees and the team Old Sluts were wainting, and Team Dream Team asked for a reshedule, it was essi´s right to refuse, and got nothing to do with ´not sportsmanlike ` or something like that :roll:
Well, talking that much from you guys, not only dream team, we still got the rules, the semi-final was played, and the final-games are planned. So pls leave it like it is! If there is anything to be said, Gen is able to contact Oliver to sort differences out, but this thread here is becoming more more less usefull ( concerning skills of players, concernining delay/lagg of players, concerning fairness/unfairness etc.)
kind regards,
Der Vorteil an der Klugheit ist, dass man sich dumm stellen kann.
Andersherum ist dies schon erheblich schwieriger.
Andersherum ist dies schon erheblich schwieriger.