2010-10-19, 19:19:04
Ger-Dyers-Eve Wrote:Hu... first a request of completly disable -afkai in the next version pls. And then the ban-request of the abuser SPINNENTIER:
First he just dies, then after 3-5 deaths, he abused the -afkai -command until game ends. Such players we dont need in league to play with. Pls ban and make such lame guys an end.
Gamenumber: Game 13664:
GameID: 13664
Gamename: BTanks League Beta #35106
started: 2010-10-19 19:05:35
length: 41m9s
Color: Orange
Battle Tanks Changelog 8.72 Wrote:# -afkai is no longer available in League Mode
well.. quite unlucky, huh? ^^
as long as the laggs are there, the league bots will continue hosting the old version.
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