2010-11-22, 22:19:16
I have to agree with you guys. Obviously, when people open the board, it's never for too long, because everyone wants that upper corner space to be able to click-move. Somehow, the space doesn't really matter. I'd give +1 for having the levels in the board.
If we're concerned about the space, I've seen plenty mutliboard having the Deaths and Kills colomns abreviated to 1.5% screen width. I'm pretty sure the actual amount is around 4% and there is so much space between thos colomns that they could easily be squizzed to add more.
Exodus: sorry for not including you in my mappers credits where I only mentionned Velocity2K and Paladon, and this goes on for all partners by your side. :/
and speaking about small tooltips mistakes that were there for ages, make sure you change the default text for ''gold is extracted from gold mines'' and wood to something more appropriate like: gold is obtained as reward for killing creeps, tanks and buildings, or whatever fits well.
If we're concerned about the space, I've seen plenty mutliboard having the Deaths and Kills colomns abreviated to 1.5% screen width. I'm pretty sure the actual amount is around 4% and there is so much space between thos colomns that they could easily be squizzed to add more.
Exodus: sorry for not including you in my mappers credits where I only mentionned Velocity2K and Paladon, and this goes on for all partners by your side. :/
and speaking about small tooltips mistakes that were there for ages, make sure you change the default text for ''gold is extracted from gold mines'' and wood to something more appropriate like: gold is obtained as reward for killing creeps, tanks and buildings, or whatever fits well.