2010-12-13, 07:36:44
Ger-Dyers-Eve Wrote:An anti-air tank with also specialisation against summoned creeps (like these banshees of the ghost tank or the treants of the guard) would be nice.
TKF Wrote:Blaster Tank (6000)
A tank which has abilities which makes it more effective against air units and a good counter against troop spammers. It's abilities focus on hitting several units and is good vs clusters, but not as focused as hunter, which specialize in killing tanks. It's also a bit versatile and can be good against ground tanks as well, but it lacks stunning capabilities vs ground. Weak vs short range tanks and tank killers. Strong vs ghost tank, tank with creep summons, creeps, Air Tanks.
abilities etc....
Well I kinda suggested that kind of a tank which we could need.