2010-12-08, 13:17:17
AGGInator Wrote:and there is a fine weapon for only 1k more which work well against airtanks.flak cannon or aa gun are useless
you know the flakcannon, right??
would be a better choice because it will also change to antiground if the game reaches final state where the most powerful tanks are groundtanks. (except of a skyfortress war^^)
you dont get it , it is the range melee max 800 vs a air which 1300 range , do you think who will win
air will win run and hit
use creep as cover
if at first you get feed by air , by the time he change to ground , you already lose AGGInator dont get it ..........
6k air swap on normal weapon are good but it is not enough , maybe you need to make one 3k anti air weapon
Ger-Dyers-Eve Wrote:Goblin Tank+Porter+Net=Anti Air Tank par excelence.what if 3 air gang you ? not only anti air i need mult anti air weapons