2011-01-22, 11:35:23
xGENESISx Wrote:Ban request.Next time before you post maybe just watch your replay. xxxxTODxxxx hasn't saved a single game in league. In your game it was cassperr who saved the game. And i didn't find another game in league where he already saved.
Nickname: xxxxTODxxxx http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=93
Game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=6118
Reason: Sometimes when u have not good connection when pressed save button when play in B.net u can get disconnect. When other team start lose(i'm Yulaw) xxxxTODxxxx press save button and dewmi get disconnect on ~1h 15m game time, i think xxxxTODxxxx know that "save bug". After next ~30m we lose. I think xxxxTODxxxx deserves ban. If administration no think that, pls only not drop dewmi penalty what he get in that game.
p.s. sry for bad english