2011-07-15, 22:36:47
I think the afk penalty needs to go away with time. Good players who -afk for a min can be kick, but feeders who just afk a little here and there, and never type "-afk" seem to be unkickable half the time. Some games we vote to kick our best player with 23-8 record, just for fun, and it allows vote. In the same game we cannot kick the 1-13 player who sold all and bought tinker and upgrades.
System needs to be fixed. Yes, I understand how it works. System is broken, needs a fix.
1. reduce -afk penalty over time.
2. increase the time required to lower the kv... instead of 3 minutes make it 4. That should help with the slow steady feeders. (yes now i will get kicked more)
System needs to be fixed. Yes, I understand how it works. System is broken, needs a fix.
1. reduce -afk penalty over time.
2. increase the time required to lower the kv... instead of 3 minutes make it 4. That should help with the slow steady feeders. (yes now i will get kicked more)