2012-01-18, 12:11:29
You misunderstood me. I meant only the ELO of the exact account name that registered for BTT will be taken.
For example, for you, only "ArzelFallen" ELO will be used, because you registered with this account. And you need to play the tournament games with this account. Although we know UnifiedDoom is also you, but we ignore the ELO of this account even if it is higher. If you want to use UnifiedDoom's ELO, you need to change your registration. But then your team will be moved to the end of the list.
I know that even LIoOoOoIL@europe.battle.net and LIoOoOoIL@useast.battle.net can be 2 different persons. But many people, if they care, will register the same user name on 4 realms.
In our case, say if i fake a lioooooil account @ asia, and try to ruin the ELO on this account. It won't affect lioooooil because only the highest ELO of the 4 realm will be taken.
In the worst case, lioooooil can always claim that the other lioooooil is not him.
You misunderstood me. I meant only the ELO of the exact account name that registered for BTT will be taken.
For example, for you, only "ArzelFallen" ELO will be used, because you registered with this account. And you need to play the tournament games with this account. Although we know UnifiedDoom is also you, but we ignore the ELO of this account even if it is higher. If you want to use UnifiedDoom's ELO, you need to change your registration. But then your team will be moved to the end of the list.
I know that even LIoOoOoIL@europe.battle.net and LIoOoOoIL@useast.battle.net can be 2 different persons. But many people, if they care, will register the same user name on 4 realms.
In our case, say if i fake a lioooooil account @ asia, and try to ruin the ELO on this account. It won't affect lioooooil because only the highest ELO of the 4 realm will be taken.
In the worst case, lioooooil can always claim that the other lioooooil is not him.