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[collection] what skills u won't use and why do u think they are useless ...

we would like to know from you
  • what skills of what tank you dont use at all
  • and why do you think they are mostly useless

An unlikely example:

tank: Infernal
skill: chaos teleport or Q skill
reason: it's such a mana waste to kill a single creep with it and why should i stun a creep?

[u]tank[/u]: [b]name of tank[/b]
[u]skill[/u]: [b]name of skill[/b]
[u]reason[/u]: a short explanation why

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Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline

Messages In This Thread
[collection] what skills u won't use and why do u think they are useless ... - by eSVau - 2012-03-05, 21:27:06

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