2007-11-11, 19:44:34
psycho_dmr Wrote:tinker is a 0 gold tank, so what do you think how good should it be?Tinker is not a 'Tank' itself. It is similarly another aspect of the game, an absolutely another way to victory I'd say. Tinker cost is not an issue to be spoken of because there is nothing else to be compared with.
offt: btw, may be make some more sort of Tinkers? ;-)
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!