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GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?)
first thank you for ur post
scandalous? check i cant find any game with u in team, mabe was qualify, mabe u had another hide acount, mabe u think im another person...give me the id of our famous game please, thanks
it looks like u are that kind of guy who is frustrate by tinker, yes u can be like others are frustrate by ghost power or earth resistance, by multi hull with heal combo or multi mech unbalance, etc. Mabe if we put restriction on every tank we can play bt without tanks, only troups...

best regards

(2012-03-21, 10:47:35)El_Polacco Wrote: first of all wanna say that proggkiller acc should be locked would it be fine to create any of btl staff with any suffix -.- ?
behaviour of that guy is scandalous in most of games i didnt play recently with him but in past he kept playing tinker while we lost all cps. It looks for me that he is just coming for games to provoke mates and start flaming a guy who told him to buy a tank since always if there's no restrictions of playing tinker its being abused...

well i just want to understand ur behaviour, statistiquement games which we play togheter or adv teams was upped ur stats more than downed. When u say:

But how to call some 1 who like 3 games in the row ruin game in same way? never ruined 3 games in a row with u
How i can have a good rank when in 5 days of playing 1 game a day i meet you in team 5 times? wrong wrong wrong never hapened
You play horrible and mess with someones time and funm thats not cool hmm if i count stats on all my acounts i must say that about u

lets have a look now on our games with GrizzlyB id check that
GameID: 28268 1 same team
GameID: 28298 1 same team
GameID: 28269 0 adv teams
GameID: 28268 1 same team
GameID: 27999 0 same team
grizzly 17 44 63
dirty 70 46 39
GameID: 27996 0 adv teams
GameID: 27506 0 adv teams
GameID: 27505 0 adv teams
GameID: 24186 0 adv teams
GameID: 23863 0 same team
grizzly 18 25 22
dirty 21 35 28
GameID: 23861 0 adv teams
GameID: 23629 1 same team
GameID: 22649 1 adv teams
GameID: 22121 0 adv teams
GameID: 18366 0 same team
grizzly 17 22 20
dirty 4 18 7
GameID: 18172 0 same team
grizzly 13 21 23
dirty 17 26 11
GameID: 18170 1 same team
GameID: 16335 06/05/2011 1 same team

we won 7 games and loose 4 games togheter
u won 8 games and loose 1 in adverse teams

why u say i f***** ur stats up? u won at all 15 games when im there and lost 4 cus of me mabe but not only!!!
i cant understand how my tech makes u mad...
is easy to say bad things about people without check just cus they dont want been managed by u.... but a real manager must check wot he says or noone listen his words...
is so pathetic to see u cant counter my last posts, it seems u understand u make a mistake but u too proud to say it... so u happy to think that post are over...
anyway u cant change the past all that stats are real and the truth is me or my tech is not the reason of ur lot of bad games....
mabe i fucked 3 or 4 in ur defavour in one year and almost 25 games played togheter or more, in adv or same team.
if sumone think thats a reason to forget all other games and that justify to talk me shit and gang me every f***** game before in game and after in forum just tell it onestly.
im courious to see who agree that and accept in my place that kind of behaviour.

Im not sayn im an saint, excuse me 1000 times for all that insults i say when i was pissed off. sincerly i apologise...
let ur team mate dies just cus he not agree wot u want is badest than do a bad strategy without any intention to make ur team loose.

Best regards to all

(2012-03-21, 06:20:38)dirtyterror Wrote: Do you know what you are writing? Grizzly rly...

"GrizzlyB never flame if hes not flamed, but when u flame him he burns u"
= face palm

just quit pls. Topic is closed.

Dont talk dirty
Dont do shit
Dont be progg.
U can have fun then!!! Angel

Messages In This Thread
RE: GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?) - by PROGGKILLER - 2012-03-21, 13:43:38

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