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Revive BTanks
Hello Exodus.

I would like to run a few things by you to see what you think. I was lucky enough to be a part of (in my opinion) the best team based internet game ever. socom 1 and socom 2. Im sure you have heard of

Well it all started with a guy that made a website to keep track of clan matches for socom and grew into what you see today.

None of it would be possible without the awesome fun that comes from CLANS teamwork and competition. I watched socombattles grow into a million$$ website in just a few short years and I can't help but get a familar feel when playing/exploring your game/website.

Recently (just a couple hours ago) I was banned for flaming and having a 25 minute bad game. I really dont have a problem with that, I was being a bit cunty to the players I was playing with BUT not without reason.

All online games have there trolls flamers and just plain jerks that like to be keyboard warriors, but by the nature of btanks it seems to promote much higer %% of poor sports and JERKS! If you get killed just a few times you could fall behind and get STOMPED FLAMED BOOTED and even BANNED!? after just a few games most gamers will give up and play something else never getting the full experience and knowing what a great game btanks is.

I believe that we can fix this issue by learning from what made socom/gamebattles great! You clearly already have the right idea with the QUALIFY and RANKED rooms, whats missing is the full clan experience. Making friends/Clans and competing against others for top spots on the ladder. Being able to goto the website and search the recruiting thread for new potential team members.I would love to see you guys grow and have competitive ladders full of clans which would help spread your game viral through the web. RANKED rooms could replace/coexist with private passworded rooms where you can duke it out with team mates you can trust. Also I do see a point to randomizing the teams like call of duty mercenary mode but I believe we need rooms with pick teams. In my opinion thats the best element of the game. TEAMWORK and STRATEGY

None of this seems possible to me with the current set up. Your community has many spoiled apple that clearly love your game but cant spot rotting out any newcomers that would like to give it a try, Even your own staff BAN new players for having bad games with complete strangers(WHY shoudl some1 have good chemistry with a complete stranger!?).seems kinda self destruction to me? I love what you and your team have done with this game but I would love even more to compete on a well populated tankbattles ladder.

OK before I ramble on to much more I would like to hear what you think? Maybe we should turn this into a thread? see what the people think after we bounce some ideas back and fourth? This game is a goldmine my friend and I would love to help you hit gold!!


I have to say that I'd love to see something like this .... but even I have to say, that is most likely not possible anymore with BT. This game is over 7 years old and its community is (together with Wc3's) shrinking by the day.
We organized a big tournament this year and even though there were money prices to be had, we struggeled to get 16 teams together (not even clans). There were clan matches back in the day and they were great fun. Now some old clans have been put together to have at least one active clan and meeting point.

Although it would be great to have something like this, I fear that the effort would just not be worth it anymore. Unless you know of some kind of magic way to revitalize the community somehow
It just so happens I know of such a way. I call it the facebook machine heres the scoop.

You make a facebook account fake/real/group... W,E your max friend list is 5000 ppl.

Your Goal is reach 5000 FB friends, This can be done with teh help of your community all joining and sharing the page as much as possible/ link droping any and everywhere they can to spread the word.

As you grow closer to 5000 things start to go on auto pilot, example if you have 100 FB friends each and every one of those friend will most likely have 100-500 friends of there own. Any time they interact with your page their friends will be exposed to your page.

So to round things off lets so we reach our goal of 5000 facebook friends all with 100 friends of their own. That puts you in contact potentially with atleast 50,000 people.


with your 5000 friend account you create a fan page and you blast that page with videos pictures threads any and everything you can think of to bring attention to your page. its not unrealistic to reach over 50,000 fans for your page.

using the same rule as before 50,000 times 100 friends each that puts you in contact with potentially 1 million people.

With your community you can achieve this but not without effort. You guys have come a very long way not to give this a shot.

During this facebook campaign it would be vital to take hints from the way gamebattles has there community set up. The way they organize thier websites ladders is extremely addicting and you could find yourself a self made millionaire after just a few years bro.

If any of this is to work we need to come up with a more noob friendly environment thats forsure what do you think?
One more thing I forgot to add. You can connect the Facebook account and fanpage to twitter/youtube your website and many other social networking sites to reach even more people at a much accelerated pace

~edit by admin~ caps are bad (title)

Messages In This Thread
Revive BTanks - by FreeJason - 2012-12-07, 22:36:04
RE: REVIVE BTANKS - by Saiyuki - 2012-12-07, 22:45:58
RE: REVIVE BTANKS - by FreeJason - 2012-12-07, 22:53:01
RE: REVIVE BTANKS - by Saiyuki - 2012-12-07, 22:56:32
RE: REVIVE BTANKS - by FreeJason - 2012-12-07, 22:59:40
RE: Revive BTanks - by Perfektionist - 2012-12-08, 01:24:23
RE: Revive BTanks - by eSVau - 2012-12-08, 02:02:51
RE: Revive BTanks - by Perfektionist - 2012-12-08, 03:22:54
RE: Revive BTanks - by FreeJason - 2012-12-08, 04:07:55
RE: Revive BTanks - by UnifiedDoom - 2012-12-08, 07:11:12
RE: Revive BTanks - by FreeJason - 2012-12-08, 09:51:57
RE: Revive BTanks - by LIoOoOoIL - 2012-12-08, 14:41:15
RE: Revive BTanks - by FreeJason - 2012-12-08, 18:45:22
RE: Revive BTanks - by Wupti - 2012-12-10, 00:42:53
RE: Revive BTanks - by FreeJason - 2012-12-10, 01:17:35
RE: Revive BTanks - by eSVau - 2012-12-10, 01:37:14
RE: Revive BTanks - by Max - 2012-12-10, 02:49:40
RE: Revive BTanks - by FreeJason - 2012-12-10, 04:34:23

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