2014-05-02, 22:12:27
pffff you guys flame him before game start. he is no flamer and he dont insult he is just noob. i said 1 million times nobody start as pro. everyone insult and flame him before game start because he is noob, is it fair? i have never problems to play with him because i try to teach him and say what to do before i flame. not-toulouse: im talking always with him trying to help but he never listen and feed more and more... you can control guangzhou but not the other player. teamplayer noob more useful then ego noob. you guys feed too but in your eyes is guang the reason for lose because you know much player hate him. for me is the real pro (good teamplayer who push his team posi). all can flame or insult thats easy for all right? but nobody has any right to discrim other people for bad playing or his language!