2015-03-02, 04:13:13
Hi Welcome Ndinh ranked games are played from this link you can see past ranked games but track your ranking and games on currently.Looking at current games usually means most players will rejoin the next game so its worth the wait most times.
However regarding the lobby usually what happens is around 6pm Till 1am German time most players will joined ranked that's when you have a best chance of joining a ranked game there are usually 10-15 games a day but it can vary and on the weekends you will find that usually more games are played.
I play on Northrend you can add BENNIE.FM or visit the clan channel clan bt and i can help you out if your still confused sorry wrote this in a rush.
Kind Regards
However regarding the lobby usually what happens is around 6pm Till 1am German time most players will joined ranked that's when you have a best chance of joining a ranked game there are usually 10-15 games a day but it can vary and on the weekends you will find that usually more games are played.
I play on Northrend you can add BENNIE.FM or visit the clan channel clan bt and i can help you out if your still confused sorry wrote this in a rush.
Kind Regards
Cat power < needs to be implemented into bt
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM

Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM