2007-11-08, 22:19:41
I played a game where red went for the laser tower on the ruin near his trader and started building lots of towers around it. He got loads of money (really, he bought the tower, a hull, 2 factorys, another laser tower and had some more money when we only could afford our tank with 2 weapons and have a bit of money, but i am not discussing that). So i adviced the mid team players to buy the mortar team and kill him off! As stupid as they were, they ignored my advice untill they got pushed back more and more, so i went to help them, bought the mortar team even 3 times!! and destroyed all of reds towers (with a little help of my tank off course) and totally turned the game around in 5 mins. And no, it was no great loss for me, the 900 i spend for it, because now i was free to move around a lot more and that money was easily earned back!
Oh and this is NOT a speech about how good i am or something like that, just a little proof that i am very thankfull for those teams
Oh and this is NOT a speech about how good i am or something like that, just a little proof that i am very thankfull for those teams