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Somes techs vol1 by Althend
Well, I think tech#3 is not so bad as you can imagine. But repair robots is quite expansive item especially at the beginning. Having enough skill you can ignore buying it and buy 1300 range rocket(for 2000 gold, i don't remember it's name).

I've tried this tactic and in the end I was able to kill up to two heavy tanks on their CP with a helicopter(1-2 hail of rockets, 3000hp hull, else - 2000gold rockets). Then I was able to kill even inferno with heli(4000hp, acid cannon, 2 hails).
You ask how? That is simple. Weapon's range you use is 1300. Inf never use weapons with range > 1000. And all his abilities has range no more than 1000. So, to stay alive you must always keep distance or your death will be immediate:). So, when you see that Inf is turning towards you(he CANNOT use chaos teleport from that huge range, he MUST to make some steps in your direction first!) you immediately turn backwards and when he permits teleport - you are already in enough range to avoid his ult! also if he used to cast it, you have a bit more speed so you can escape. With 4k hp you can take 1-2 waves of Inf's Ult and some damage from his weapons. But this is worst case, When I played I was almost always able to escape.

What for heavy tank - he has no chance fighting such packed heli(not including his Rocket ability). Even 1 hail + 3-4 1300-rockets are deadly for him.
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
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Messages In This Thread
Somes techs vol1 by Althend - by Althend - 2007-12-30, 18:28:52
Re: Somes techs vol1 by Althend - by Batto - 2008-01-04, 14:31:01
Re: Somes techs vol1 by Althend - by TKF - 2008-01-05, 14:46:31
Re: Somes techs vol1 by Althend - by Althend - 2008-01-11, 01:45:20
Re: Somes techs vol1 by Althend - by Vomitus - 2008-01-19, 17:02:48
Re: Somes techs vol1 by Althend - by Prog - 2008-01-19, 18:42:08
Re: Somes techs vol1 by Althend - by Vomitus - 2008-01-20, 03:11:56
Re: Somes techs vol1 by Althend - by Vomitus - 2008-03-10, 03:37:50

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