2008-01-25, 19:55:53
Almost all changes are nice! I'm not used to the color messages yet...
But there is 1 thing that annoys me...
Your armor level must be 13 for buying frost robot, 15 for buying infernal and 25 for buying titan.
Normal Game
If no one upgrades, you have to play 1:05 long game to be allowed to buy frost robot, 1:15 long game to be allowed to buy infernal, and over 2 hour game if you gonna wait for titan. You might get it sooner, but someone has to sacrifice some of the gold to get it sooner. 1700 gold each time is not so expensive. I wouldn't mind if you could purchase infernal after 1 hour of gameplay.
This makes the demon tank the high ranking tank you can buy at any time ^^
Anyway I think the tech restriction on tanks is a bit annoying, So I'm only aiming for the mid game tanks instead in normal games now, or buy a lot of stuff while waiting for the big tanks to be available
Anyway this force people to upgrade the force more often.
But there is 1 thing that annoys me...
changelogs 8.36 Wrote:Added more Tech-Requirements (High end tanks and Combos)I have no comments on combos yet, but the high tank level requirements
Your armor level must be 13 for buying frost robot, 15 for buying infernal and 25 for buying titan.
Normal Game
If no one upgrades, you have to play 1:05 long game to be allowed to buy frost robot, 1:15 long game to be allowed to buy infernal, and over 2 hour game if you gonna wait for titan. You might get it sooner, but someone has to sacrifice some of the gold to get it sooner. 1700 gold each time is not so expensive. I wouldn't mind if you could purchase infernal after 1 hour of gameplay.
This makes the demon tank the high ranking tank you can buy at any time ^^
- If I would add such tech restriction on tanks (that would be just me), I would add armor tech level restriction => Tank Armor = Armor Upgrade - 3
So thunder tank requires 1 upgrade
Heavy requires 2.... (So super pro's butching noobs can't have heavy tank in 8-9 min)
Guard requires 3...
and so on....
Sky tank 5.... anyway
Anyway I think the tech restriction on tanks is a bit annoying, So I'm only aiming for the mid game tanks instead in normal games now, or buy a lot of stuff while waiting for the big tanks to be available
Anyway this force people to upgrade the force more often.