2008-06-13, 19:05:30
Tank/Weapon Specialty
Please specialize the weapons more. At the moment, most weapons are just damage dishers with a few special weapons for specific purposes, such as siege.
Please have more items that are more specific such as
1) Attack heroes only
2) Disabling such as slowing weapons that do low damage but slow enemies attack and movement speed.
3) Siege ( Long ranges)
4) Abilities such as increased attack speed for 10 seconds, or life steal.
5) Uber weapons such as the Frost Laser which are expensive but very powerful.
Weapon Category:
Please categorise each specific weapon into its special shop so it's easy to choose such as a siege item shop, a hero killer shop and so on. Please follow the above list for reference.
Weapon Description:
Please do a short weapon descriptions for items, such as what purpose each weapon is for. I'm sure every item is unique and you can hold a contest for the best description of each item. Example : "Frost Laser - The HIGHEST DPS in the game" or so on.
Tank Description:
Please do a short description for each tank, such as "Sky Fortress - the best flying unit in game" or so on.
Please specialize the weapons more. At the moment, most weapons are just damage dishers with a few special weapons for specific purposes, such as siege.
Please have more items that are more specific such as
1) Attack heroes only
2) Disabling such as slowing weapons that do low damage but slow enemies attack and movement speed.
3) Siege ( Long ranges)
4) Abilities such as increased attack speed for 10 seconds, or life steal.
5) Uber weapons such as the Frost Laser which are expensive but very powerful.
Weapon Category:
Please categorise each specific weapon into its special shop so it's easy to choose such as a siege item shop, a hero killer shop and so on. Please follow the above list for reference.
Weapon Description:
Please do a short weapon descriptions for items, such as what purpose each weapon is for. I'm sure every item is unique and you can hold a contest for the best description of each item. Example : "Frost Laser - The HIGHEST DPS in the game" or so on.
Tank Description:
Please do a short description for each tank, such as "Sky Fortress - the best flying unit in game" or so on.