2008-06-23, 16:02:21
ycoseth Wrote:it's dash ability is rather underwhelming.The damage is but the range isn't... I as Abelzar said... CP control... Also it's very effective in seiging. I attached 2 replays but I don't think they'd be good arguments for it being imba since on the first one I had a trader and on the 2nd one the only decent person on the other team left. In particular about the 2nd one you'll notice I noob it up pretty hard and then just don't die as soon as I get the earth robot:
If I were to balance it out I'd probably up the damage reduction on the transparent armor by an extra 1% per lvl
Nerf the Granitic armor by 3% per lvl
And add a range component per lvl on the dust storm/dash. Cause for now I just throw in 1 pt and run the map and I don't need to choose btw the dash and damage reduction.
Lastly... if I really felt the need for a stun I could get a net launcher for a couple of hundred vs. the counter (teleporter) for 3k... But... for the most part I can dust storm behind a ground tank and block their pathing. Air tanks... a little more difficult but that's natural.