2008-07-21, 18:56:54
Although the tower is only a slight problem, it isn't very large. I just played two straight games with mostly extremely good people, and 8 out of 10 of them started with a scout tank both times, most often with bombards. The tower doesnt make a difference in this case, just a convenient way to not get pounded by troops.
I think the unbalanced part is the selection of long range weaponry. All of short-medium range weaps are balanced, because there are so many of them (ie. some with short range, fast attack and lots of damage, some with short range, tons of damage and slow attack, etc.) but there is only one long range weapon per stage of the game: bombards at beginning, rocket hail in the middle, and the other cannon that costs 12k (forgot the name :oops: ). If more long range weapons were added per stage to balance out the strategies, then scout tanks wouldn't be so ridiculed, lame or easy to use.
I think the unbalanced part is the selection of long range weaponry. All of short-medium range weaps are balanced, because there are so many of them (ie. some with short range, fast attack and lots of damage, some with short range, tons of damage and slow attack, etc.) but there is only one long range weapon per stage of the game: bombards at beginning, rocket hail in the middle, and the other cannon that costs 12k (forgot the name :oops: ). If more long range weapons were added per stage to balance out the strategies, then scout tanks wouldn't be so ridiculed, lame or easy to use.