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nice balancing elo system
just look the picture how it is possible that one team get the most elo player, when the other team get the lowest elo player and the team get less elo alltogether

It's possible when you follow the balance algorithm described here:

Ranked games do have an autobalance function to make both team even. Therefore the worst four players (ELO-score) will be distributed among the two teams. The remaining six players will then be distributed in that way that both teams are even. That means both teams will have "bad" playing members. This distribution prevents very good players from having a team only consisting of "bad" players.

You may present a better balancing for this game Wink. You have all the values in the screenshot, so I wonder what your balance would look like.
guys with lowered ELO are making games a way too imbalanced . There should be ELO filter to make it allowed just after reaching 1400 and reward (0.5-1)elo point for each qualify played
if objectifn1 and zasranets are changed then team 1 had less elo, but the most elo player in the game and team 2 had the worst elo player, but therefor more elo overall, or set the worst elo player to the most eloplayer in teams
so 1 and 10 in one team, 2 and 9 in the other, then split the rest so teams get around the same elo

i wrote it in any other thread, dont know when its was its a little bit ago: dont let player plays rank games if there elo is below 1450 then let them play 10 qualify games then they can come back with 1451 elo and so on

and the minimum qualify counter should be set up to 50, then the guys get some more experience and old btanks player dont get new accounts that fast (i think they will not be much new players i think the most who play qualify to play league do it bc they want another account to play)
or add a qualify points system, so ppl gets point of gamestyle not like in league for win or loose and give it a minimum to play on rank games maybe 1450 qualify points, so ppl need some skill to play ranked

(2012-08-25, 13:24:13)El_Polacco Wrote: guys with lowered ELO are making games a way too imbalanced . There should be ELO filter to make it allowed just after reaching 1400 and reward (0.5-1)elo point for each qualify played

but then they is needed a max elo u can get through qualify (maybe 1460) bc they're some ppl who have played 3k qualy games

and ofc i know then it could be much harder to start some ranked games bc less and less ppl will play. so make it harder to play ranked, its shit maybe too

ps.: i was a lit bit angry when i open this thread bc i played very good vs dami but the rest out of my team sucks (especially oj on top), i try to play only for fun but sometimes it goes so unfair that i cant hold me, i know that they never will be a good way to balance (bc mostly elo dont shows the real strenght of a player) or it will be very hard to develope
Balance system doesn't work good. There are more and more 30-40mins games.
Look at this game:

I have 1570 elo
Tinker only - 1620
Yet, i get the 1300 guy, not him.
Distribution 4 worst players by elo between 2 teams sux.
blue is first time in ranked with 1500 elo.
Decio also 1500 elo, but he's still a player smart enought to win 3v5 (we did this few days ago).
No experience factor.
1500 start elo sux hard.

I already said about this and eSVau and Liooooil said it's good idea. No changes tho.
Make a 2nd ranking for a qualibot. Depend of quali elo give a player ranked start elo as: quali elo - x (let's say x=50).
(2012-08-25, 15:20:10)Crag_Hack Wrote: dont let player plays rank games if there elo is below 1450 then let them play 10 qualify
Naturally I object to that, since my elo is only just above that lol

I think elo is abit overated. My elo is one of the lowest in that game, but I was better then atleast half the players there overall.

Some people get higher elo from doing stupid crap like kill stealing, others get low elo from dying for the team a little too often. That is the biggest reason why I disagree with a base line elo for Ranked games
kills/deaths hasn't got that big impact on elo teo. look for cobra for example. he was even top10 in ranking but with kill death ratio lower than 1.
On the other hand there are guys like 00000000000000000 with one of the best k/d ratio and elo <1500.
I really think you can seperate bt players into 3 groups, and elo is simply a side effect of these groups.

High Elo "Pros": These are the guys whose name everybody recognizes when they enter a ranked game, I'd say about 30% of players can be classified as this. These guys often end up going on the side lanes (whether they like it or not). They will rarely have a negative k/d and often end up with effort values of 1.00 or .15. These guys often end up being the "carries" in btanks and usually are the first players to get tanks. They also have good map awareness and teamplay. The most often case is that there are two of these players in a game and they end up on opposite teams and most often opposite sides of the same side lane. Their elo ranges from 1550-1700 (to include the very best, most peak at 1600) and rarely drops below 1550.

Middle Elo "Average Players": I'd say they make up usually about 60% of a game's players and most have over 100 games of experience. These players usually play in the middle, but CAN lane if nessecary though not at the same level as the high elo players (usually only choosing to if nobody else is there). Sometimes these players are dedicated lane soloists , however what seperates them from the high elo pros is that high elo pros will remain dominant all game, where an an average lane soloist will eventually equalize with his teammates (due to lack of experience and teamplay). These players recognize the "need" to save, and have "big tanks" by around the 1:00 mark (which imo seperates them from the "bad" players) and often end up either getting upgrades for the carry or having the tank, often alongside the carry but with less weapons. These guys range all the way from 1450-1550, but they will usually be in the low 1500s.

Low Elo "Bad Players": These are the guys you just don't want on your team, I'd say they're about 10% of players. They rarely speak at all and often have zero teamplay. They almost never buy the big tanks, often buying many expensive weapons on the midgame tanks, and then when they do it will always be long after everyone else has taken a big tank (and sometimes they will even take frost robot Dodgy). Sometimes they go to lanes, often without saying anything, and ruin the game early on by feeding. They usually have low elo below 1450 (and sometimes if their really bad below 1400) and end usually end up with the purpose of being an iron ball attached to the leg of a High Elo player. The real problem with these people is like progg mentioned, occassionally they will join a ranked game with a new account and severely unbalance the game with 1500 elo.

It's better to look at teams based on these 3 groups to determine balance and not simply elo alone. Of course a bot can't do that, but as an observer you can really see the balance of the game more clearly like this.
another problem is that new ranked player start with 1500 elo ..
it would be better if they start with 1000 points and for every qualify game they play they get 0.5 points more for their start till they reach 1500, more they cant get.
if they start earlier in league they will not get anymore points for qualify games.

u can see in the posted game above (by progg) that the new player with 1500 points could not stand his elo and according to this he lost.

/edit i already said a few years ago that the elo system alone isnt enough. a balance including the kill-death-ratio would be more proper.

//edit who gave me positive reputation ??Sad(
~=| LuVs |=~
(2012-08-27, 07:39:42)UnifiedDoom Wrote: I really think you can seperate bt players into 3 groups, and elo is simply a side effect of these groups.

High Elo "Pros": These are the guys whose name everybody recognizes when they enter a ranked game, I'd say about 30% of players can be classified as this. These guys often end up going on the side lanes (whether they like it or not). They will rarely have a negative k/d and often end up with effort values of 1.00 or .15. These guys often end up being the "carries" in btanks and usually are the first players to get tanks. They also have good map awareness and teamplay. The most often case is that there are two of these players in a game and they end up on opposite teams and most often opposite sides of the same side lane. Their elo ranges from 1550-1700 (to include the very best, most peak at 1600) and rarely drops below 1550.

Middle Elo "Average Players": I'd say they make up usually about 60% of a game's players and most have over 100 games of experience. These players usually play in the middle, but CAN lane if nessecary though not at the same level as the high elo players (usually only choosing to if nobody else is there). Sometimes these players are dedicated lane soloists , however what seperates them from the high elo pros is that high elo pros will remain dominant all game, where an an average lane soloist will eventually equalize with his teammates (due to lack of experience and teamplay). These players recognize the "need" to save, and have "big tanks" by around the 1:00 mark (which imo seperates them from the "bad" players) and often end up either getting upgrades for the carry or having the tank, often alongside the carry but with less weapons. These guys range all the way from 1450-1550, but they will usually be in the low 1500s.

Low Elo "Bad Players": These are the guys you just don't want on your team, I'd say they're about 10% of players. They rarely speak at all and often have zero teamplay. They almost never buy the big tanks, often buying many expensive weapons on the midgame tanks, and then when they do it will always be long after everyone else has taken a big tank (and sometimes they will even take frost robot Dodgy). Sometimes they go to lanes, often without saying anything, and ruin the game early on by feeding. They usually have low elo below 1450 (and sometimes if their really bad below 1400) and end usually end up with the purpose of being an iron ball attached to the leg of a High Elo player. The real problem with these people is like progg mentioned, occassionally they will join a ranked game with a new account and severely unbalance the game with 1500 elo.

It's better to look at teams based on these 3 groups to determine balance and not simply elo alone. Of course a bot can't do that, but as an observer you can really see the balance of the game more clearly like this.

You forget the goddess levelBig Grin

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !

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