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Something i've noticed
TKF Wrote:HB would be more skillbased, if only the tank bounties have been doubled and not creeps. You see scouts are really imba in hb mode cuz of the high creep bounties and they kill a lot of creeps.

Also games would be faster if the high bounty would only be applied to tanks, then it would be more skillbased than current hb. (This is already in my Battle Tanks Insane Mod and it does make the average bt games shorter. It's really impossible to get a game longer than 1 hour and 20 minutes in my mod. If you get a longer game, tell me cuz I've never got any long games with my bt mod)

hell yeah! both is right.
5k hb. midd. 3scouts, all 2bombards followed by fast hulls or torpedo+hull start.

implement tkf's insane mod into btanks as a choosable modification!
I think high tank bounty option would be enough. Only appliyng to tanks.

My mod is full of overpowered shit and crap, and is kinda Battle Tanks answer to Battleships Psycho. It's not balanced at all. Also I added super weapons into insane like heavy artillery rain and Ion Cannon. Everything except bomb and nuclear explosion...
Well im a firm believer that balance is entirely hypotheical. If you created an extremely 'imbalanced' game where everyone, no matter who, had fun then wouldnt that be the most successful game ever? A game thats fun, and keeps being fun.

Games with high values (bounties) involve very high risks and that is unique to that kind of game style. A lot of the fun from HB and other games that have high values is from the fact its all fast paced live-or-die gameplay. A word to describe this feeling would be 'cutthroat'.

Also you can get speed boost items quicker in hb, i HATE moving slowly.
TKF Wrote:I think high tank bounty option would be enough. Only appliyng to tanks.

I like that suggestion. Changing HB to only affect tank bounties might really do the trick.
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Exodus Wrote:I like that suggestion. Changing HB to only affect tank bounties might really do the trick.
I'm quite sure someone will be unhappy when hb only affects tanks. Maybe add High creep bounty selection which affects creeps and towers as a additional option, so if they want both, they choose both, but if they only want high tank bounty, they choose only that option.

In this way it should please both sides.
Into Alien Crossfire? It has been almost 10 years. Time to update your datalinks.
Try out my Comprehensive Datalinks Update. Now v1.3!
^Wtf is this?
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.
Death of hb as you know it.

Or at least it get sliced in 2 xD
Dr.McNinja Wrote:eh?
IT'S OVER 9000!!! hahaha!
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
Ya, good idea. We need a few hundred options before exo leaves.
Then nothing can go wrong!

Just cutting the mode in half is simple and doesnt 'change' anything because you can still pick them both as well as opening for 2 unique modes of high creeps and high tanks.


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