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Weapon cost effectivity analysis (high level gaming)
this is an analysis of the cost-DPS ratio of weapons considering their range classes.

i will edit this post to add the other weapon shops, and hopefully some more interesting aspects will reveal.

to this point i have only worked out the stats for "weapon factory 1". but the analysis already reveals some interesting things, as well as the fact that the weapons are incredibly well worked out by the creators of the battle tank maps. very professionl indeed. check it out.

cost - the first purchase cost
DPS - the first purchase DPS
fcost - the final cost (with upgrade) [fcost = cost + upgradecost]
fDPS - the final DPS (with upgrade)
R - the gold/DPS ratio [ for example, an "R" value of 15 means when purchasing the gun, you spend 15 gold for 1 DPS ]
fR - the final gold/DPS ratio (with upgrade)
range - obviously the range
class - an attempt to categorize every weapon of similar range in a class, to facilitate comparison
----------range class A: 0-750 range [melee]
----------range class B: 751-950 range [average]
----------range class C: 951-1050 range [above average]
----------range class D: 1051-1300 range [high ranged]

wapons factory I


glave cannon----------1500-----133-----11.27-----2000-----177-----11.29-----750---------------A
molotov cocktail------1500-----105-----14.28-----1950-----137-----14.23-----950---------------C
grenade launcher-----1750-----123-----14.22-----MODE----[153]---[11.43]----950---------------C
basic cannon-----------2000-----155-----12.90-----2500-----194-----12.88-----860---------------B
bomb rockets----------2000-----103-----19.41-----2500-----128-----19.53-----1300---------------D
l plasma gun-----------2000-----140-----14.28-----2500-----175-----14.28-----950----------------C
fan of knives-----------2200-----196-----11.22-----2800-----196-----14.28-----750/950----------B/C
fireball cannon---------2200-----154-----14.28-----2900-----205-----14.14-----950----------------C
electro cannon---------2700-----172-----15.69-----3600------229-----15.72-----1050--------------C
energy torpedo---------2800-----144-----19.44-----3800-----195-----19.48-----1300---------------D
ice cannon--------------3000-----333-----9.00------3900------433-----9.00-----600-----------------A
what about the only ground/air/building/player/creep weapon diffrences?
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
once i have added all weapon shops, i can put weapons of the same "kind" in single matrices, so you can directly compare those.
What do we get from doing this analysis? I don't know how that can be usefull (well, you could see the the weapon formula, but that is allready known ( and that knowledge doesn't affect the gameplay.)
big work, but i don't see the sense.
Lower R or FR means better DPS for the gold.
There is no sin except stupidity - Oscar Wilde

Clan B4E (Banlist 4 Europe) on Northrend! The official clan for Europe!
Imo, the minute differences in R and fR (gold / DPS ratio) are neglictable.

What really makes a weapon of the exact same range better than another is how you use it.

A high level player can't neccessarily be judged on their weapon choice in terms of minute differences in gold/dps but the way they use it. Eg. fireball vs light plasma, 2 weapons in the same range with near DPS, but some people prefer the multiple projectiles / cooldown of light plasma better than fireball or vice versa.

It eithers comes down to personal choice and your experience of using a certain weapon and mastering it, Eg, tornado summoner and energy torpedoes.


When a certain weapon is better for the current situation. Eg, entire enemy team just upgraded to air vehicles.
An important factor that people forget is the speed of projectile/bullet.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
the speed of projectile is almost irrelevant. almost, since they are homing (not visually, but technically). in an extreme scenario of projectiles travelling with a speed of 550 obviously chances are you will be long dead before your opponent even starts taking damage, but still the projectiles are fired, and WILL reach and damage him (unless he can outrun them but lets exclude that assumption). yet projectile speed of guns in btanks is always between the 1500 and 2500 and therefore i would not consider that difference of importance, since it rather comes down to a cooldown comparison.

the cost/DPS ratios from this comparisons are neglictable indeed, but i assume once magic trader and other weapon shop and middle shop are added, some guns will be revealed as inferior.

although i must admit, the very minor differences in the weapons cost/DPS ratio were something i was not expecting, and it reveals the amazing work done by the mappers in balancing the map. noobs tend to think "well... so many guns to chose from, wich one is best?" until this point we can safely assume they are all equally worth their money.

obviously the effectivity of a gun depends on the way you use it. that comment was really pointless, im sure everybody here is aware of that.
The speed of the projectile is far from irrevelant... It really matters if the opponent is able to fire 1 additional times with at least 1 weapon or not. Could mean the difference between your life or death... It can really matter if you give the last shot to a dieing enemy tank/tower/creep so you get the bounty or the force... And in case you forgot, you can heal during the time the projectile gets to its target... It means the most in the beginning when assaulting a cp...
pinesface Wrote:the cost/DPS ratios from this comparisons are neglictable indeed, but i assume once magic trader and other weapon shop and middle shop are added, some guns will be revealed as inferior.

although i must admit, the very minor differences in the weapons cost/DPS ratio were something i was not expecting, and it reveals the amazing work done by the mappers in balancing the map. noobs tend to think "well... so many guns to chose from, wich one is best?" until this point we can safely assume they are all equally worth their money.

Of course there are no inferior weapons and the differences are so small that they don't really matter, as all weapons are based on the same formula. That's the reason why i don't think there is anything to learn from such an analysis as made here. A more interesting atempt would be to make an analysis which inherits the time the weapons fires actually in game on average, and calculate then the damage per game second (not the damage per second the weapon shoots, the damage per second the weapon does with the inclusion of the time not shooting becouse of no targets in range), but i guess that's hardly possible, tho it would show an actual comparison of the different ranges for different gamestages (if those would be observed as well).
Don't forget that between the time to projectile hit and you fire it, the opponent can use teleport/skills/heal pack ^__^

That's another reason why ice gun is a so nice weapon (low range and instant hit :p )

The analyse is nice concerning upgrade. Should it be the higher the cost a weapon is, the higher the upgrad must cost?

Quote:that comment was really pointless, im sure everybody here is aware of that.

So funny.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
I compare weapons with their icons, not with numbersSmile
this all is too much theoretic stuff.
i don't think people will start buying other weapons because they do 0.29 dmg/s more for 100 gold less
personal style is more important for me
ChronicStoned Wrote:this all is too much theoretic stuff.
i don't think people will start buying other weapons because they do 0.29 dmg/s more for 100 gold less
personal style is more important for me

thats right!
you have to try every weapon, and the weapon you feel its the best you can play with you should buy.
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
well yes i also didnt expect the weapons to were that well developed ^^
You could have found that out just by reading the forums

I know I personally have posted the weapons formula at least once, and others probably have too
Well... if you like it or not.
I am calculating with values like DPS per gold and strictly outsort Weapons I dont like with it.

This is the same reason why people choose laser without upgrade or poison magic.
you get more DPS for less gold ... the range is irrelevantBig Grin
There is no sin except stupidity - Oscar Wilde

Clan B4E (Banlist 4 Europe) on Northrend! The official clan for Europe!
There are certain tanks that i use for longer ranges and some that i use for short range. if i notice my oponents will be weak to a certain build or if i know them and i know what they're going to do than i try to use a tanks and weapon combo that will crush them!
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
A lot of tanks have abilities that seem to be designed for a certain range style

For example, Goblin Shredder, Thunder Tank, Goblin Tank, Demon Tank, and Infernal all work best at short range
Whereas something like scout is much better at long range

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