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false profisional or noob modes
how to distinguish good players from the noob:

1) if mode: fog=on
noob say: "noob only play with fog"

he was afraid, because nothing viyat and do not know what they do now
Fog helps level the primary and secondary player

2) if mode: share=on
noob say: "noob only play with sh"
noob say: "You can send all the money in one and win"

one in the field is not a warrior
if the group is well prebros it money well level increases all

3) if mode: conqvest=on
noob say: "noob only play with cq"

if they would not have been noobs they would not have given all their control-points

4) if mode: hb=on
noob say: "noob only play with hb"

This mod reduces the time the game
I dont agree with some of that..

Noob and pro are pretty subjective descriptions. Ive seen good players play noob, what does that make them? (and how do we distinguish good players from noobs?)

Anyway, having fog on is a different mode, and normally fog isnt on.. Personally i dont think fog changes much if youre a good decent player.

In a completely pub game, sharing wouldnt be painful to have on. In team/clan/ih/skilled games, sharing mode *can* be really lame and shitty. Feeding one player with money DOES work especially if that player knows what to do next. Since i dont really understand your italicised comment, i dont have more to say.

Conquest victory is a good mode that isnt used enough. It can make games much faster and the chance of a comeback less. I have lost games where we have 'clearly' won where me and friends (on my team or on both sides) have outleveled/farmed them and are destroying there base. Cause of us losing: boredom. I just get bored and stop concentrating and they save for stuff like titan and then make a comeback. Doesnt happen a lot, its just in games where theres good players on the other team holding us off.

HB mode isnt noob, its just different. I find it increases the game length A LOT. I wont discuss the reasons why but basically, people either win fast, or cannot push into the base to win causing the game to go on for 1 hour +.

So in conclusion.. I would be against some modes but i wouldnt call them 'noob'. Still, thats not a problem because modes are mostly decided before the game starts. Maybe you need to adjust your noob-radar. Or create a new topic talking about noobs and skill levels.
Summarizing what he wanted to say to make it clear: a good player should be able to play with any mods
and not only in normal

PS: My favorite mod: 3k, fog, cq, sh, hb
aSearch.INFO Wrote:Summarizing what he wanted to say to make it clear: a good player should be able to play with any mods
and not only in normal

PS: My favorite mod: 3k, fog, cq, sh, hb

A good player is good in any mod but he is also able to see unbalanced/unfair stuff.

-> Concerning share on, focusing all gold on one player is the best tech if the player know how to play.
The player just has to kill them all the time in order to make them being unable to creep.

-> Hb sucks since it is unbalanced.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Althend Wrote:
A good player is good in any mod but he is also able to see unbalanced/unfair stuff.
I did and said

Althend Wrote:
-> Concerning share on, focusing all gold on one player is the best tech if the player know how to play.
The player just has to kill them all the time in order to make them being unable to creep.
I have played in those games. and I say if a good group of players it carry a
Sorry but you Noob, you have a tale that I have described.
not seen you play against these good teams players

Althend Wrote:
-> Hb sucks since it is unbalanced.
what? More ...

unbalanced many but not in mods
just look a bit around in this forum and you will find A LOT of arguements against HB and a lot of people who hate hb, including me.
hb should be called noob mode because its very often played by people who are noobs at normal mode
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
Gimme 9k at start and send me 5x 3k tanksSmile And let 6k be yours... This is why a leaver does not give all its money when leaves, or in a 1v5 game you dont start with 15k.. instead you start with 9k.

Hb is different and unbalanced game. Due to creep-hero advancement is too different, there is no balance at all.
People may think it only gives you extra money so game goes faster. But it is not! Who plays hb is not noobs. But who says "hb must be default mode" are the biggest noobs.

I hate to play with fog because it is so clostrophobic. And it reminds me the 4.547 version where air tanks ruled others because of overhill sight...

I like conquest mode because it makes the game easier for midgame winners. But winning is not only taking cps in normal game.
Quote:I have played in those games. and I say if a good group of players it carry a
Sorry but you Noob, you have a tale that I have described.
not seen you play against these good teams players

Gather the best team you have and try it against me. I assure you that with 15000 gold lot of players own 5 five players with 3k really easily...
Test it whenever you want since you are blind.

In fact you can challenge me whenever you want... ^__^ I will show you that what you can't understand.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
sorry but i don't understand this broken english. i have no idea what the hell's talking about. but regarding different modes...

fog of war:

fun for me for a change. I don't mind it but i think it's true that air owns in fog games. and certain other tanks seem stronger to me with fog.

hb vs no hb:

I just don't see that much of a difference anymore between these two modes other than you can just farm 2 xs as fast in hb. I dont' see any difference in the importance of killing creeps or heroes in the two modes. I no longer think that long range and death magics is more effective in hb.

i used to think hb was really imballanced but now i just think that i wasn't adapting to the extra gold i had right at first. It seems to me like some players treat hb as a "fun mode" and play like shit because they don't know what builds work best for hb. now that i get a lot more weapons and items for my tank before i try to upgrade to sky fort or better and it doesn't seem imbalanced to me anymore. If an enemy gets something which needs to be countered in hb than i think it's more important to respond accordingly faster than in a normal game. Like, say for instance, if the other team gets a few death magics. they can do it pretty fast in hb and i think that you should do whatever your normal method is of countering that a lot faster in an hb. you just won't have as much time to assess the situation and react.

Recently, for hb, i haven't been going short range for anything but antigrav and even then I don't stay short ranged for as long as i do in non hb mode. This is because i think the switch to medium range weapons like frost lazers needs to happen much quicker in hb and 3 poisons and 1 frost lazer doesn't work so good on a low hit point tank in my opinion. **edit: i guess i should start getting lazers**

i'm wondering what all the exact gold formulas are at all times in hb and non-hb because without a better break down and comparison of how the gold's distrubeted as cps change hands and factories are destroyed i can't be sure if there really is a gold advantage for the defender's side. I used to think there was a big difference there between the two modes becasuse that's what i was told but now i'm not so sure.

**edit horselance you wrote:
Quote:Gimme 9k at start and send me 5x 3k tanks...
if it's 5v5, 3k normal with share on, or just a 5v1 3k normal mode then i think you would get owned hard by any 5 grunts or any 5 from the best half of the peons from clan bt**
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
Quote:if it's 5v5, 3k normal with share on, or just a 5v1 3k normal mode then i think you would get owned hard by any 5 grunts or any 5 from the best half of the peons from clan bt**

15k gold; just do: airship 4500 + weapon (or death magic lol). They won't be able to do anything. You just have to kill them the fastest you can to prevent them to creep. Even if they all camp in cp, they get easily killed. They all have from 1000 to 15000 hp (without weapon). If they 5 stay together they creep really bad. Really, against good player with 15k you can't do anything.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Althend Wrote:15k gold; just do: airship 4500 + weapon (or death magic lol).
i say "you .." Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
1 buy exploid and update to 2200+2200
while others earn money on the other hand

my 4800 kil you 15k


3 helicopter = 3000 hp and 450 weapon and thunderstruck and crips
LOL ...there are no noob or pros modes...just the people who where good at the game have made 3k no exploder no tinker no trader the (pro mode) i don't have much time to say anything ...if 5k hb was made first..b4 3k was made people would probably see it the other way around....
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
BENNIE.FM Wrote:LOL ...there are no noob or pros modes...just the people who where good at the game have made 3k no exploder no tinker no trader the (pro mode) i don't have much time to say anything ...if 5k hb was made first..b4 3k was made people would probably see it the other way around....

learn to play under all modes, to understand the other normal mods, that very much helps to understand how to better play
aSearch.INFO Wrote:
Althend Wrote:15k gold; just do: airship 4500 + weapon (or death magic lol).
i say "you .." Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
1 buy exploid and update to 2200+2200
while others earn money on the other hand

my 4800 kil you 15k


3 helicopter = 3000 hp and 450 weapon and thunderstruck and crips

if you mean "exlposives"
- you do know with one upgrade they will deal a maximum dmg of 3600? so you won't be able to kill a zeppelin because it has 3600+1%per lvl

3 helicopters:
-if they don't have hulls one single plasma rain will kill them all...
-the deathmagic also will kill a heli with 2 hits
ChronicStoned Wrote:if you mean "exlposives"
- you do know with one upgrade they will deal a maximum dmg of 3600? so you won't be able to kill a zeppelin because it has 3600+1%per lvl

this enough. Check disbelief

ChronicStoned Wrote:3 helicopters:
-if they don't have hulls one single plasma rain will kill them all...
-the deathmagic also will kill a heli with 2 hits

1) rain - 10 lvl !!!
2) crips more... (scatter)
aSearch.INFO Wrote:
ChronicStoned Wrote:if you mean "exlposives"
- you do know with one upgrade they will deal a maximum dmg of 3600? so you won't be able to kill a zeppelin because it has 3600+1%per lvl

this enough. Check disbelief

ChronicStoned Wrote:3 helicopters:
-if they don't have hulls one single plasma rain will kill them all...
-the deathmagic also will kill a heli with 2 hits

1) rain - 10 lvl !!!
2) crips more... (scatter)

HAHAHAHA try to reach anything with level 1 range teleport.... The one player xp much more fast and will not let you creep or get xp. It is really easy to dodge exploder, especially if I fly on trees... You will only help by doing teamkill...

3 Helicopters? 2700 hp not 3000.... You really think that 10500 in weapon/troop/teleport/anything is not enough to kill them all? you are so far frm reality ^__^
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !

did not understand the progress of your thoughts
Best would be Frost Robot + 2k weapon. In lvl7 you can make a 5 kill with fan of ice.Smile And 1 guy can reach lvl7 before 5 min at mid, where 5 guy cannot even buy iron hull at midSmile .
horselance Wrote:Best would be Frost Robot + 2k weapon. In lvl7 you can make a 5 kill with fan of ice.Smile And 1 guy can reach lvl7 before 5 min at mid, where 5 guy cannot even buy iron hull at midSmile .

But it lack of mobility and you will not be able to take all cp in less than 4-5 minutes :p
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
@ aSearch.INFO
A good idea would be to put your own russian text into google translate or something, so we can understand you better.. For longer posts like the first in this thread.

HB: Calling it noob mode would be extreme. HB is imba. Play it or avoid it...
Alternative to hb could be 5k normal. Allows fasters farming but still normal overall.

Fog: Like qweq said, its a fun change.. its not a default. As long as its not a default im not going to complain about it.

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