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Yet another: Please fix sky fort. Ruins games.
Just another heads up about how imbalanced the sky fort STILL is. Here's another replay you can add to the list. 1v1 me vs newbcake3. I dominated the game, he had more kills but I controlled cps basically all game (higher income), farmed better, killed his base facts while mine were untouched. near the hour mark I had all 6 cps and a few of his facts destroyed. I saved 30k and bought a titan at that point, yet I eventually lost the game as I could do nothing but run or sit at cps. Even sitting at my cps with barricades I was killed. Sky fort can stun while using other abilities like bombs, and the tp then stun was long enough so that I couldnt use ANY abilties before maybe 1k hp left on a 38k hp titan. I might have made some tactical errors as I bought factories but it didnt really matter. Even with the best weapons i could afford I'd be dead if I moved anywhere. Maybe if invuln made you invuln to stun it might help but I doubt it, in long game with lots of income and weapons the sky fortress is incredibly imbalanced. The longer the game, the worse it gets. Please fix this, it ruins games. Thanks. Here's the replay 1:40 1v1.[attachment=0]

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.w3g   Bangvsnewbcake.titanloses..w3g (Size: 917.58 KB / Downloads: 134)
Share the love in the unknown. Only way to understand (understatement) (wink). -Bang Bang in Blindingly Brilliant Bliss because of benevolent beneficiary being belonging 'bove, always, love...
wow youre titan had 83,000 hit points? i only countted about 38k moron.

had a feeling youd come on here whining like a little b*tch after i knocked yo azz out flat. face it son you aint nothin compared to me. you cant handle this flava its way too strong for a p*ssy like you.

did you mention how you repeatedly fire jizzed the laser towers instead of my sky fortress? or the part where you bought 4 poison magics with 555 range? wow someone needs to learn how to play the game.

you realize you just joined a game to fight team no bullshit newbcake right? thats a deathwish son and dont forget it.

team newbcake: 1 bangyouredead: 0

ps. theres some sickass irony in that chat log i must say lol
I have a question for you newbcake: is it physically possible for you to make a post without insulting someone?

And I agree, the Sky Fort can be really unbalanced, especially in 1v1 since it takes 50% damage while doing it's ult. Still, at least it's not as bad as when all enemy weapons were disabled, though it's not far from it. I don't know if the mapmakers are willing to bend any further on that point. But you never know, maybe they willBig Grin
You may notice that some of my posts are somewhat disconnected in their ideas and don't really flow that well. That's because my mind drifts around like a jellyfish in a strong ocean current. You just lost the game.
yeah newbcake is an idiot, all he does is talk shit. Watch the game, i dominated the entire game and lost because a cheaper tank owned the "best" tank in the map. Only way to fight sky fort is go sky fort or sit at your cps and get wait an hour for higher income which is boring....No point in playing 1v1s unless maybe they can disable sky fort, as it makes 1v1 boring and unfair...
Share the love in the unknown. Only way to understand (understatement) (wink). -Bang Bang in Blindingly Brilliant Bliss because of benevolent beneficiary being belonging 'bove, always, love...
It is just that stun and disabling skills is too much important in duel. Since the stun of Titan take really long to shoot and his second damage skill affect only ground... His a bit weak againt sky fortress. As tech against the sky, I would have put a tele breaker so he telep on me, get stun, I have then time to stun him with the q skills and after use ultima. Maybe would I use also net...
It is well know that sky fortress and demon are quit the best money/skills tank since inf and titan has delayed stun.

True that using low range against sky fortress is a bad idea ^__^

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Ok first, newbcake3, you have been warned. Keep on posting like that and you will be banned from this forum.

As for the game, with it's ultimate, the Sky Fortress better in 1on1 fights, while Titan deals more AoE-damage and is better at fighting a group of enemies. Additionally, the Titan has a disadvantage fighting against air tanks.

BT is not designed for 1 on 1 fights, but in this situation the Sky Fortress was the better choice.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
What is Bt designed for? 2v2, 3v3 , 4v4, 5v5? 3k normal? 5k norm? hb? there are tons of options and it was a normal 3k game. If there are clear imbalances in normal 3k games then I think something should be changed. The best idea I can think of would be to have an option to disable certain tanks, such as sky fort or titan etc. Even in 2v2 sky forts are imba when you've got two good players tping and stunning at the same time. Otherwise 1v1 and 2v2 just turn into boring games where everyone has to choose sky fort or lose, despite winning all game... I'm sure I made some mistakes, but there is no way that someone with all 6 cps, all towers and factories intact, 30k saved, and 3 of their opponents factories destroyed should lose a game. And with the long range of the instant stun my titan was still dying at cps with barricades...Not trying to bitch but it just makes for very bad games. A lot of people like playing 1v1 to see who's better solo, and sky fort doesn't allow that to happen.
Share the love in the unknown. Only way to understand (understatement) (wink). -Bang Bang in Blindingly Brilliant Bliss because of benevolent beneficiary being belonging 'bove, always, love...
It is disigned for 5v5 normal of course and I don't see any clear imbaness in 5v5 normal.
Team games are not for solo players
Battle Tanks is a team game.
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I watched the replay and i thought that was a really good game. i thought you guys both played really good.

1vs1's are my favorite also. Although i agree that sky fortress can be a great tank for 1vs1's I don't think newb's sky fortress was the only reason that he won. It is true that early on bangyourdead had a huge advantage when he was holding 5 cps.

However, here are some facts about the game when bang got titan:

1. by then bang was already down by two cps
2. bang's titan's bounty was only 1245 while newb's sky fortress's bounty was 1421 (almost 200 higher)
3. bang had less kills and more deaths than newb.
4. bang had spent gold on 8 armor upgrades compared to newb's 2 (1500 gold each)
5. bang had 4 poisons, ult pack, and strength pack. newb had a speed pack, 2 flamers, a psycho lazer, two other weapons which i forget, and 3 factory spawners.

With titan there's no way to cast all spells and also the ult pack and strengh pack. in any case: in a battle vs sky fortress it's usually impossible to cast 3 active abilites and strength pack if you get stuck in its ultimate. So I'd say it's not a stretch of the imagination to say that newbs had not only farmed better at the point bang got titan but also his items were much better suited for the fight. newbs had much more firepower and more range while bang's ult pack and strength pack and ult pack didn't benefit him very much. and all that's besides the point since most the time newbs killed bang's titan bang was already low health and was simply caught off guard.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
hmm ..intresting
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
How about making it that titan's stun is targetted, and when it hits, it does the whole area. Very much like demo's ulti.
Lol ok. I watched the game. This wasn't a sky fortress issue. This was a att-def balance issue.

In every game, you should learn the art of balance. Having poisons on a titan is obviously gonna get you killed when your opponent has two psycho lasers and 3 other weapons with greater range. You can't even get close without copping mounds of damage.

If you want to make a diagnosis that a sky fort is imbalanced, do it when you both have the same weapons.

I agree that on a 1-vs-1 basis, fortress is overpowered. Even on 2-v-2 or 3-v-3. A group of sky forts can defend a base very easily. I've had games where more sky fortresses equal to a win, because you can defend well, make more money and push back. I'd rather get hit by a 10k dmg homing missile than get sucked in by fortress.

But it was clear in that game, you didn't have balance or the priority to take advantage of creeps or to capitalise on his errors. It's like matching up a goblin shredder with a few weapons to a goblin tank with none.
Bring back old Death Magic.
Beating rookies makes you a regular.
Beating regulars makes you a pro.
Beating pros makes you an authority.
All 6 cps, 30k, 3 factories set up on top lane, higher income most of the game from cps, much better farming early on before i started saving,. 8 or so more armor upgrades, 3 of his base facts destroyed along with a lot of towers...not much else I can say. Should be beyond easy to win at that point, and yet my only option was to sit at barricades for another hour and a half and wait for higher income to do the trick, which is boring. And when I died with titan I generally had at least 30-35khp as I knew I had to tp immediately because i had no chance. Even with the same exact weapons I wouldve lost the fight every single time, I had 1k hp before I could use any type of ability. I couldn't even really set tp breakers as he'd just tp if I moved anywhere away from a cp, maybe set breakers at the cps but still...If this makes sense to you then...idk. can't really make it any clearer that it needs to be changes quite a bit...And for the "team game" argument, 2v2s are team games, so are 3v3s and this would be imbalanced with pro players playing sky fort as well, if they had good timing. Some people don't like playing 5v5 every single game and with pros it's hard to find 10 good players sometimes. It wouldn't be that difficult to adjust some setting/options for different game modes so that they are at least somewhat balanced...
Share the love in the unknown. Only way to understand (understatement) (wink). -Bang Bang in Blindingly Brilliant Bliss because of benevolent beneficiary being belonging 'bove, always, love...
In 1v1 Sky Fortress is best. It takes half damage for 4.x sec and if game is end game, you kill or die very fast. So Sky fortress gets the advantage of 50k hp for 4 sec. Enough to kill a 38k Titan with same weapons. Also Sky has initiative of instant-cast ability, while Titan needs targeting and projectile delay.

But in 5v5 it is not same. Titan has AoE advantage, team protection advantage, destructive advantage. And sky is vulnerable to multi targets. While you can bravely walk on 2-3 targets with titan...
It is also that there are no enough variety for tier 4 tanks:

Sky fortress 16k - Inferno 18k - Titan 25k

And only sky has usefull ability to stun. Inferno stun really sucks since it is delayed ( I really think that now that there is a requirement, we should remove it back)
From the 3, Inf is the weakest for duel; Titan has weakness against air. so it is always a better choice to take Sky.

When there are leavers ingame, and you are 5 vs 3/2.... It is always better to take demon or skyfortress, since they are less paralysing is always the best option.
Thinking more about it, I admit sky is a bit imba. Maybe the ulti should move the sky to the target if the target is ground as the target move to him when it is air? And reduce the 50 percent to 25 ?

Sky fortress is the best choice if there is 1-2 opponent with any tanks. Is it on purpose or is it imba? Since each tanks is specialised someway and has weakness, what is the weakness of the sky? Should it be always the best choice? 16k vs 25k + 9 upgrad 1500 (so 13500) , the choice is easily done if the sky can handle the titan.

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Inf and Titan are just way stronger in any game 3v3+, so there is no need for any changes, as a change on sky fortress to make it a bit worse in 1v1 games would make it totally useless in 5v5. Even now there are hardly any players playing it 5v5 as it is just bad in comparison to inf/titan.
Well you know about four days ago, me and mooneye played a friendly game with and against friends. I and moon was on team one, and on team two newbcake2 was on it, well after mooneye pick the game mode (5k hb no share) newbcake2 turned share on somehow and stacked a teammate, and after he did that he started a vote kick everyone on his team, so for that we kicked him. Well even after we all had kicked him and his ai was gone, he was still able to kick random people in the game i dont know how they are doing it but i will never play a game with them ever.
Oh, Death, оh Death, oh Death,
No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul

Oh, Death,
Well I am Death, none can excel,
I'll open the door to heaven or hell.

Oh, Death, оh Death,
my name is Death and the end ïs here...
eeeehm, WHAT THE F**k?!
i don't think this is possible Oo
custom kick can only be used if you're host and if newbcake has been kicked out he had no way to kick anyone, besides he was sitting next to you and pulled out your inet wire Oo

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