Poll: Quanta tank
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New tank: Quanta tank
Quanta tank

Appearance/ model:
[Image: wisp.jpg]

Style: weird tank
Tiers: 3,4
Speed: really slow: 170 speed
Price: 12000


1/ Tank Cannon

2/ Proto teleport

-> like the elf hero, it makes the tank teleport on a small range
L1: range: 400, cooldown: 3.5 sec Mana cost: 3
L2: range: 400, cooldown: 3 sec Mana cost: 3
L3: range: 500, cooldown: 2.5 sec Mana cost: 4
L4: range: 500, cooldown: 2 sec Mana cost: 4
L5: range: 600, cooldown: 1.5 sec Mana cost: 5
-> It would be the main way this tank move since the slow speed

3/ Flashlight

-> A light explosion that stun all units on a large area without doing damage
L1: range: 700, cooldown: 30 sec Mana cost: 30 Stun: 1 sec
L2: range: 850, cooldown: 30 sec Mana cost: 35 Stun: 1 sec
L3: range: 1000, cooldown: 30 sec Mana cost: 40 Stun: 1 sec
L4: range: 1150, cooldown: 30 sec Mana cost: 45 Stun: 1 sec
L5: range: 1300, cooldown: 30 sec Mana cost: 50 Stun: 1 sec

4/ Tractation beam

-> a tractation beam that makes the target come to the tank at a nice speed without preventing the use of skills
L1: range: 700, cooldown: 40 sec Mana cost: 30
L2: range: 800, cooldown: 40 sec Mana cost: 35
L3: range: 900, cooldown: 40 sec Mana cost: 40
L4:range: 1000, cooldown: 40 sec Mana cost: 45
L5: range: 1100, cooldown: 40 sec Mana cost: 50

5/ Shouting star

Passive: When the tank kill a creep, it makes the creep becoming a shouting star (same model but smaller) that works like an exploder and does damage on mana and on life (perfect against mass creepers)
L1: Probability: 10%, range of damage: 400, life; 200hp, damage on mana 10; speed 400; damage on hp: 1%
L2: Probability: 15%, range of damage: 400, life: 300hp, damage on mana 13; speed 400; damage on hp: 2%
L3: Probability: 20%, range of damage: 400, life: 400hp, damage on mana 16; speed 400; damage on hp: 3%
L4: Probability: 25%, range of damage: 400, life: 500hp, damage on mana 19; speed 400; damage on hp: 4%
L5: Probability: 30%, range of damage: 400, life: 600hp, damage on mana 22; speed 400; damage on hp: 5%

6/ Ultima: Ultra ion laser beam

Big lazer that need a big charge, work on a a big area and big range. It require an aim and show a really big effect when charging so people can try to avoid it. Channeling. It does damage on the duration (per sec) on a straight line to the the max range and all on the area of effect.
L1: Damage per sec : 600; range: 1600; area effect of the beam: 700; cooldown: 50: mana cost: 50, Duration: 3 sec; Charge: 5 sec(time of the animation before the shot)
L2: Damage per sec : 650; range: 1900; area effect of the beam: 700; cooldown: 50: mana cost: 55, Duration: 3 sec; Charge: 5 sec
L3: Damage per sec : 700; range: 2200; area effect of the beam: 700; cooldown: 50: mana cost: 60, Duration: 3 sec; Charge: 5 sec
L4: Damage per sec : 750; range: 2500; area effect of the beam: 700; cooldown: 50: mana cost: 65, Duration: 3 sec; Charge: 5 sec
L5: Damage per sec : 800; range: 2800; area effect of the beam: 700; cooldown: 50: mana cost: 70, Duration: 3 sec; Charge: 5 sec
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
I like this idea!
The Proto Teleport would be a good way to avoid exploder and in combination with the stun and/or the Tractation beam it might be a great close combat tank. I would reduce the aoe of the Flashlight a bit and therefore increase the duration of the stun with each upgrade.
The Tractation beam …uhm what the hell is “tractation”? Do you mean tractor beam? :?: Anyway. In general a good idea, but what do you mean with “a nice speed“? Same speed as the Quanta Tank moves? Faster/slower? Also not disabling the enemy’s skills could make this ability useless. Or what happens if an opponent teleports while being affected by the beam?
The “Shouting Star” (you mean “Shooting Star”, don’t you? :wink:) looks interesting, although it might be a problem if the mini exploders hurt allied units, too. I suggest making them attack only enemies and don’t go off in an explosion but in an effect akin to the emp of the Antigrav.
The ultimate looks good, although the damage seems a bit low for me on first sight. But that’s a matter of balancing (beta testing).
Is SC2 - Battle Tanks out yet?
I like your idea, but ive decided to create my own tank called "Supernova Cell" which is so big and thought through that i cant post it here in fear of exploding this topic. Ill update with link when im doing editing in notepad.

EDIT: tbh, the skills are mostly unoriginal but i still like them. The ulti sounds like the ult for one of the air tanks in bob666's psycho btanks map, that charges up a big laser and shoots it to a spot manually targeted. Proto teleport would be very annoying, very fast. It would be easier if there was a 'sprint' skill.
Dr.Popitz Wrote:I like this idea!
The Proto Teleport would be a good way to avoid exploder and in combination with the stun and/or the Tractation beam it might be a great close combat tank. I would reduce the aoe of the Flashlight a bit and therefore increase the duration of the stun with each upgrade.
The Tractation beam …uhm what the hell is “tractation”? Do you mean tractor beam? :?: Anyway. In general a good idea, but what do you mean with “a nice speed“? Same speed as the Quanta Tank moves? Faster/slower? Also not disabling the enemy’s skills could make this ability useless. Or what happens if an opponent teleports while being affected by the beam?
The “Shouting Star” (you mean “Shooting Star”, don’t you? :wink:) looks interesting, although it might be a problem if the mini exploders hurt allied units, too. I suggest making them attack only enemies and don’t go off in an explosion but in an effect akin to the emp of the Antigrav.
The ultimate looks good, although the damage seems a bit low for me on first sight. But that’s a matter of balancing (beta testing).

Tractation mmmh tractor, you are right :p
Increasing the duration of the stun would make it too powerfull. Don't forget that it touchs all enemies target, creep and tanks.
Tractor beam is enough useful like this. By nice speed, I mean at least 4 times faster than sky fortress ultima. It would help to attract single enemy in your base or group of teamate. Disabling skill would make it being too imba. The time a player reacts and stun your to stop the tractor, the target is already enough close. ^_6
Teleport while you use the tractor? Mmmmhhh nice thought, maybe make it teleport you with. It would be really fun! Some players would want you to use tractor on them and telep you to a trapBig Grin
Making it hurt allied too would learn your ally to not jump into enemies creep :p
The damage is low but it has a really really big area of damage. (800x2800 at level 5)

Nb: the damage must be reduced by 50% on building.

This tank would have jump style at end game. It would be sort of alternative on the antigrav and the shredder at tiers 3Smile
The main weakness of this tank would be his mana, slowness and possibility to destroy his own mana with shouting stars. (and make it air so he would be a target of net)
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
For you althend, i keep this in the same format as yours. Im going to polish this idea and create a seperate topic for it.

Supernova Cell

Appearance/ model:
A box like trader, maybe the cage or something custom and small.

Style: Harmless Box of pain
Tiers: All
Speed: really slow: Average 300 ms
Price: 4.5k
Mana: 200
Special: Tank upgrades to stage 2 & 3 by buying the same tank again.
Stage 1: Normal average 4.5k tank.
Stage 2: +200 Mana, +HP, minimum level req of 18
Stage 3: +200 Mana again, +HP, minimum level req of 25


1/ Discharge

-> Converts all mana into pure damage that spreads out in a 2 [seperate] rings. 2 second casting time
L1: range: 400 & 1000, damage: 2/1/mana
L2: range: 400 & 1000, damage: 3/2/mana
L3: range: 400 & 1000, damage: 4/2/mana
L4: range: 400 & 1000, damage: 5/3/mana
L5: range: 400 & 1000 & 1400, damage: 6/4/2mana
-> Blam! Whoosh! Stand right next to this ability for tingly feeling. Gets much stronger when you have more mana.

2/ Energise

-> Releases half the mana into the armour. Discahrge has no casting delay when energise is on. All damage that gets through is amplified by 2. Ability spell damage is INSTANTLY absorbed, healing the tank.
L1: 30% projectiles are absorbed, heals 80% projectile damage, 20ms bonus
L2: 40% projectiles are absorbed, heals 90% projectile damage, 30ms bonus
L3: 50% projectiles are absorbed, heals 100% projectile damage, 40ms bonus
L4: 60% projectiles are absorbed, heals 110% projectile damage, 50ms bonus
L5: 70% projectiles are absorbed, heals 120% projectile damage, 60ms bonus
-> Extremely unbalanced, but you get how it works. Its like 'lucky' armour.

3/ Gaze of death

-> Channels mana into a target, if tank leaves range, it is stunned for 1 second before breaking the link. If tank fails to leave range or the spell is completed, Supernova Cell will open and a ball of energy shot into the target tank. If

enemy tank has full mana, damage is amplied by a factor of 2. Makes enemy tank move FASTER. CD is longer, the longer you charge and max of 100 if successful.
L1: range: 1000, damage: 1/mana, transfer rate: 20/s
L2: range: 1200, damage: 2/mana, transfer rate: 25/s
L3: range: 1400, damage: 3/mana, transfer rate: 30/s
L4:range: 1600, damage: 4/mana, transfer rate: 40/s
L5: range: 1800, damage: 5/mana, transfer rate: 50/s
-> LOL. Explosion at the end is based on mana capacity of the Supernova Cell: 6/mana (stage 1), 8/mana (stage 2), 10/mana (stage 3). At stage, mana is 600 (+100) which works out to be 6000-7000 damage. Quite nice for an

end game tank.

4/ Star Shout

-> Basically works like puck from dota. 'Shouts' starsin all directions, Supernova can choose (%) to materialise in any of the 'stars' or a random one will be selected at the end.

5/ Ultima: Supernova

-> Signature ability. Box always explodes outwards (damage 200/400/600) and the 'supernova' comes out working like a flying tank. 30% Success, 30% Explosion, 40% Dissipation. Needs full mana and 80%+ HP. 100% damage to EVERYTHING.
L1: 500 aoe, more damage in center. Damage: 1500 right next to tank. Pushes: 700 max
L2: 600 aoe, more damage in center. Damage: 1800 right next to tank. Pushes: 900 max
L3: 700 aoe, more damage in center. Damage: 2100 right next to tank. Pushes: 1100 max
L4: 800 aoe, more damage in center. Damage: 2400 right next to tank. Pushes: 1300 max
L5: 900 aoe, more damage in center. Damage: 2700 right next to tank. Pushes: 1500 max
Stage 2: Aoe +15% Damage: +3000 38% Success, 40% Explosion, 22% Dissipation
Stage 3: Aoe +30%, Damage: +5000 & 10% of HP, PULLS everything in AOE range then pushing everything outside of this aoe 500 away ALWAYS. 45% Success, 50% Explosion, 5% Dissipation.
Dissipation: Restores FULL mana and 20%hp to everything in 600 range.
Supernova 'tank': VERY mean. It should require 10x mana to be bought in order to work. This new tank has somewhat new abilities and CANNOT go afk or it will eventually die by itself. It feeds on mana and 'mass' which is creeps/buildings/tanks/anything. Its like a whole new tank that beats titan. Gold cost of tank is 13.5k total, i would say, allow stage 2 to buy up to 30x mana and stage 3 to buy 50x mana in order to achieve supernova form. Gaze of death will do 11000 damage if it ever finishes, Discharge does 6600 damage in 400 range, but it would be rather ok for an end game tank. That means level 25 with maxed mana = 33 500 gold.

Trust me, it all makes sense except for numbers but even those i have put a lot of thought into. Star shout is silly, it DOES make the tank more 'luck' based though because you can 'shout' into enemy's direction.
Dr.McNinja Wrote:I like your idea, but ive decided to create my own tank called "Supernova Cell" which is so big and thought through that i cant post it here in fear of exploding this topic. Ill update with link when im doing editing in notepad.

EDIT: tbh, the skills are mostly unoriginal but i still like them. The ulti sounds like the ult for one of the air tanks in bob666's psycho btanks map, that charges up a big laser and shoots it to a spot manually targeted. Proto teleport would be very annoying, very fast. It would be easier if there was a 'sprint' skill.

I know there are not really new, but this tank would be the continuity of antigrav, shredder since keeping these tiers 1 tank when everyone is tiers 3 is a big handicap.
Proto teleport maybe annoying but consume a lot of mana. (the usual teleport cost 25 mana for 3500 range. 6 jumps to get 3600 range cost 30 mana. A sprint skill would same kind as sky fortress, goblin hammer, earth skill. These jump woul be the specificity of this tank :p (and replace someway the antigrav jump)

Concerning the supernova:

It seems really complicated to understand and to script in the map :p
In fact I am confuse about the writingConfused

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Haha np. Im not surprised. I havent clarified it enough and have only written in your layout.

Stage one (4500) - It is just a little metal box that hovers.
Stage two (9000) - Its a bigger, prettier box.
Stage three (13500) - Colourful and mean looking box, looks like its about to explode with rainbows of pain.
Using spells in combinations can produce different results, leaving many combinations open to be tried. Energise will make all skills more effective in some way, but energise uses half mana. It doesnt work with ulti because ulti requires FUll mana.

Rest assured, this is virtually impossible for exo to create, im aware of thatBig Grin
I dont even know what effects or models to use for these skills, but you can be sure they can cause your computer to melt.
The supernova ultima would be the biggest comparable to the bomb but more pretty and probably bigger.

Discharge would be like goblin tank's ult which is based on fan of knives i think.
Energise makes the box light up and pretty, giving itself somelike like evasion. Healing % of projectile might be tricky.
Gaze of death would be based on the channeling snare skill, forgot what its called. In dota, rhasta uses it. It does constant damage until you have no mana or they run away. The 2nd part of the skill is when you have no mana, which causes an aoe explosion at the enemy tank. This one has a lot of different triggers. It makes target tank move faster because the range is quite large 1000-1800.
I’d vote for Quanta Tank. Supernova Cell confuses me…Confusedhock:
Is SC2 - Battle Tanks out yet?
Here is a slightly less confusing version:

Each revision = X.oo
Completion of revision = o.XX

It is in 2.8 as of writing this which means an incomplete version has been revised once.


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