Poll: Medivac is fun!
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I agree
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Its fun but it could be improved
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Medivac Skills
The medivac is obviously support and its main function is to heal (i call it the failbulance). Its healing capabilities is pretty weak and even with skill, its healing isnt improved much or at all (as in aiming the heal aoe). The ult is so pathetic that i only used it for the pretty effects.

The easiest way to improve the ult would be to give it more projectiles like 4 and make the projectile faster. It doesnt do a very good job of support. This way with many allies around, the healing can be split and with a faster projectile, it can save allies. Also keep in mind, this is the ulti which should naturally be stronger and probably something to 'fear' (like sky tank's nuke or guard's aoe stun) but it just looks like another plain skill that is [probably] not worth getting above sprint or decoy.

So far, the tank isnt very fun. Only as fun as 'trying out the new tank'. And real testing of new stuff comes mostly after releasing to the public so guys keep playing it.
I quote my opinion

Quote:I still think that the ultimate is a bit too weak (the hp value is so low, why not add it something like giving mana?). Currently concerning the converter, It is quit rare to convert enough hp to be really valuableConfused, it damages creep but even with a good pack it is really too low to make it an usefull skill to increase.
The supertrust damage is quit weak even if the cooldown is low, Maybe replace it by a 0.1 sec stun?
Decoy seems more usefull now, giving priority to decoy may make it more interesting. (it is probably the most itneresting skill against long range)

I still think ranger is too weak. (just my opinion ^_^ )

Quote:After another try, 3 players vs bot. The ranger has too low hp for his price, making it long range tank would also be nice. Maybe reduce his price at 1k? (at 1500, the choice of build is too limited)
Comparing to antigrav, the ranger is so weak. anti grav has usefull skill at anytime and it still can be played after 20. Currently, playing 20 min to getl level 10 ranger is not enough interesting.
Decoy is probably the best skill but there is no enough incentive to increase his level. Level 1 is quit nice, I would probaly level it once to help against torpedo ^_^
to increase and encourage teamplay, making the converter give same amount of heal to all teamamte without dividing the number would be much more interesting. It happens often that the skill gives 40hp to each players; it doesn't even help to survive one sec ^_^Ranger and creeping. The build ranger + bow is too weak, and with other weapon, the ranger can creep and lack offensive skill to kill enemies. In order to correct that, maybe make the converter kill then enemy creep instead of removing a part of hp. So the tank would not lack creep capacity ^_^

(many bunch of ideas, I know ;o )
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
compared to any tank from 2k and down medivac sucks
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
BENNIE.FM Wrote:compared to any tank from 2k and down medivac sucks
Actually it sucks as combat tank, but as a team work tank it's quite good. It requires a skilled player to use this team tank effectively.

But I also think it should have more damage to it's only combat ability
Medivac is a very weak tank compared to anyother tier 1 (i call tanks like that xD) because its a support tank, but the fact is that it skills are to weak even for support task it heals too little, maybe incresing the aoe range of the heal skill an increasing a little bit the % would be a better choise.
The only attack ability is way too weak, for a 1.5k tank it is not even half as useful than the light tank or chopper rocket, maybe if the damage value is changed to something like 150 dmg per level and area attack (including creeps) it should be better..
The flares are good... but the ulti is a pain... maybe if it heals the medivac too instead of giving only mp...
For last, medivac hp is little compared to the tier 1 tanks
TKF Wrote:
BENNIE.FM Wrote:compared to any tank from 2k and down medivac sucks
Actually it sucks as combat tank, but as a team work tank it's quite good. It requires a skilled player to use this team tank effectively.

But I also think it should have more damage to it's only combat ability

i think your wrong i can see where your coming from but its skills are to weak to have any big effect in imo sucks
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
Giving 30-50 hp to allied with converter doesn't help... and the ultima is weak (you need long time before get level 10)
So how do you help your teamate with 50 hp? Since you need to get near creep to use converter, you receive more damage than hp you receive ^_^
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
After playing some more games, I agree that the tank is not so strong in combat. It's kinda weak. It has no speed skill and gets very slow without a speed item. But to buy turbo speed item is not tempting since the tank only costs 1500. However the decoy ability is good.

The drain ability sounds like a ghost tank ability to me, which could fit the ghost tank well as a support ability for the ghost tank. Maybe a different second ability could replace it. But I will suggest some possible changes...


I sit in my creative corner this morning and have some alternative ability suggestions. If Exodus likes some of the suggestions or none, that is up to him.


Primary ability (Q)

Suggestion 1:
Jet Thrust (Q) Active
The same ability as the sky fortress have, with more range pr level and 200 damage pr level. Doesn't damage structures.

Suggestion 2:
Double the damage, speed bonus and cooldown (or mana) of the current ability.


Secondary ability (W)

Suggestion 1:
Energy Transfer (W) Active
Drains 8 mp pr level for 5 seconds from a enemy tank, or transfer to a friendly unit 8 mp pr sec. Does slow the enemy target with 25%. 800 range (cancels when enemy is further than 1200 range). 40 sec cooldown, 5 mp cost pr level.

Suggestion 2:
Healing Ray (W) Active
Heals target tank for 350hp pr level, can be used on yourself. 10 mp cost pr level, 600 cast range. 40 seconds cooldown

Suggestion 3:
Aerial Plasma Shot (W) Active
Does 150 damage pr level against ground unit and does 300 damage pr level against air tanks (Against air it shoots dual plasma shot). 1000 range, 40 seconds cooldown, 10 mp pr level, 1 sec stun. This could give medivac some better offense cabability, and gives it a combat advantage over air tanks.

Suggestion 4:
Keep the current ability, but double the cooldown and life drained by life drain ability. It would at least make the ability more useful then.


Passive ability (E)

Suggestion 1:
Evasion System (E) Passive
Give a 15 speed bonus pr level and gives a 5% chance pr level to create a 500 hp decoy. At least I think this ability fits the medivac better than the current and gives it some speed bonus.

Suggestion 2:
Keep the current ability, but add 10% pr chance pr level to spawn a 500 hp decoy instead.


Ultimate ability (E)

Suggestion 1:
Plasma Barrage (R)
Works the same way as heavy tanks barrage ability, just that this does 560 + 140 damage pr level with 5 plasma barrages.

Restoration (R)
Heals nearby ALL units which was within 600 range with 400 pr pr second. Lasts 4 + 1 seconds pr level.

Suggestion 2:
Keep the current ability, but perhaps add mana restore in addition. Maybe make it able to heal the caster as well
Agreed. I just played as a Medivac and I'd say its skills are so pathetically weak. Here's how it should be improved:

Remove decoy + that lifesteal skill + ult and replace with (1), (2), (3).

(1) Summons flying tinkerbot(s) that can be directed to heal units, tanks, and buildings
(2) Draws % max hp from surrounding units within 1k radius of target and transfer the hp to target. Kind of like one of the skills in DOTA
(3) Life-bond with target tank. All damage and heals are shared (stay at a control point with bot tsk tsk). Bond ends when hp of self is lower than 5% or when duration ends

The nuke skill can stay I guess...
Thanks for your feedback guys. I think the only skill that needs to be replaced is his ultimate. Originally I planed a different and also more usefull one, but I didn't implement it because of several problems. I might try to pick up this idea again and implement it a little different.

Things I might change:
  • Superthrust: more damage, like 150 per level (yeah DerSatan, I know ...)
  • Life Converter: maybe everyone should receive full HP, instead of dividing it
  • Decoy: A little lower percentage on the lower levels, like from 30% on level 1 to 50% on level 5
  • Support Systems: New skill altogether

Before telling, what I have in mind for the ultimate, I have to make some tests, to see if it's really working or not. As for Superthrust, I refrained from increasing the damage further, because of the really low cooldown. But it seems, that the damage is still too low. Several people also suggested, that the skill should also create an illusion that moves behind your tank, addionally to the one in front of you.
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Glory to Megatron-Exodus!
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Ok, it seems to be working now. I just need to add some eye candy, to make this ability more visible.

The ultimate now works like this: it's an modified phoenix fire skill, which deals no damage, but adds the weapon damage buff to allied tanks for a certain time. When a tank has this buff, it will no longer be targeted by any other weapon.
You now activate the skill and it adds this buff to every ally in 900 range and yourself. Everyone is then immune to weapon damage for 2.8 seconds on level 1 and 5.6 seconds on level 5. Normal skills and physical attacks still deal damage.

This skill should be more usefull than a simple healing, and the best thing: it gets even more useful in mid and late game, instead of less, like the current one.
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nice idea but:
holy shit?! 2.8 seconds no dmg from any tank weapons and skills for all allies in 900 range?
this needs balancing! imagine 3players in midd, 2 medivacs using this ability one after the other.
the enemy won't have any chance except from teleporting away as fast as they can.
also it would be the ultimate controlpoint takeover ability.
Thing about being effective, is its not always as fun and i dont think medivac is that fun to play to its potential.. as a support/healer tank. Superthrust would make a very fun killing move, even with its pitiful damage it 'seemed' like i finsihed off enemies with the image, which is good.

The ultimate could easily work as it is but its just no fun at all.. There was some idea of drones or something like that, that one seems like a really fun and unique skill.
ChronicStoned Wrote:nice idea but:
holy shit?! 2.8 seconds no dmg from any tank weapons and skills for all allies in 900 range?
this needs balancing! imagine 3players in midd, 2 medivacs using this ability one after the other.
the enemy won't have any chance except from teleporting away as fast as they can.
also it would be the ultimate controlpoint takeover ability.

Only weapons, not skills. The numbers can alyways be reduced of course.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Dr.McNinja Wrote:Thing about being effective, is its not always as fun and i dont think medivac is that fun to play to its potential.. as a support/healer tank. Superthrust would make a very fun killing move, even with its pitiful damage it 'seemed' like i finsihed off enemies with the image, which is good.

The ultimate could easily work as it is but its just no fun at all.. There was some idea of drones or something like that, that one seems like a really fun and unique skill.

I really think Medivac is fun to play (even in current weak version)
^_^ this tanks is currently much more fun to play than gard or ghost for example :p
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
So does the new ult shoot allies (and yourslef) and upon being hit, recieves the buff? If so, what happens if it gets hit multiple times and so on (weapon stats)

Im a little confused

Edit: i suppose it is more fun than ghost, but (personally) only because it can fly and sprint. Guard however, i have practised quite a lot at and find it more fun but its a personal thing. Medivac could be made a lot more fun 8)
I like the new ability suggestion suggested by Exodus. I hope you put a shield like effect on the phönix fire buff so it looks like the unit cannot be targeted by weapons. (Btw what you suggested here about putting duration on phönix fire can also be applied to a possible solution for the achilles target item that I suggested, making it team based item.)

Maybe that lasts a little to long, maybe 2.4 seconds and 0.6 pr level. Although normal skills and psychical attacks still effects you.

But if you going to increase the damage done by super thrust, perhaps increase the cooldown (24,21,18,15,12) and speed bonus (40%?) accordingly aswell?
lv5 750 damage with 8 seconds cooldown is kinda to fast repeated ability imo. 12 seconds sounds better.
These are my thoughts about the current Medivac.

1.) The tank is quite expensive in the beginning without sufficient skills to EFFECTIVELY get some kills independently in the beginning of the game.
2.) Despite the fact that Medivac is created mainly for supporting purpose, it does this role poorly because the healing skill(s) need to be more powerful.
3.) Medivac is a flying tank, yet it lacks the capability to advance with haste. In other words, it has no speed-bonus skill, and buying a speed boost in the beginning (to middle) of the game would be quite risky because of Medivac itself may need weapons to withstand enemy's tanks and kill creeps.

I'm going to give suggestions, but as I look at the previous posts, I think they've pointed out many good ones out there, so I'll just give general ideas. Big Grin

1.) Improve "Super Thrust" skill, definitely. I guess that setting initial damage to 180 or 200 with implement of itself every level would be great. This skill requires precision, and I think there should be a little damage reward for your accuracy. You could increase the cooldown. That's no problem.
2.) Improve "Life Converter" skill. At least set the initial percentage to 10% with 10% implement each level or do not divide the healing benefits among the tanks but let all ally tanks in the area get full healing without dividing.
3.) Add speed-bonus skill to Medivac. It could be passive skill like any other tanks have, or you could let it be a temporary effect after using certain skill such as Medivac also receives 25% speed bonus for 10 seconds after using "Super Thrust". (In fact this might benefit in pursuing tanks or rushing through dying enemies to support friends)
4.) Lowering chance of creating decoy is also considerable to me, but getting the last hit among creeps are quite difficult at first, so I guess 50% chance of spawning decoy and 30% chance doesn't make that much of a difference.
5.) Another idea for supporting ally. We have HP and Mana healing toward ally tanks, but why don't we try speed? You could create a skill that boost ally tank's speed by 25% for 10-30 seconds (5 sec. implement/level), and I'm sure that people could really benefit this in the beginning to mid game.

That's all.Smile I hope that was helpful.

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