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soruce fo new skills
Ok, there is this new(er?) game, Demigod, wich is in fact pretty much like battletanks (or dota? but dota sux, so f*ck that). Anyhow, alot of new skills there.
But there is this one skill, i dont understand havent been used yet: Stomp, thats a pretty usefull skill. (orginally from the orcs cow'ish hero).

Try demigod, and get new ideas from there exo. Hard to explain them all.

futuristic edit: qweq, keep ur comments to urself...Wink
Suit up!
Well, stomp ability basis is used in chaos teleport in case you didn't know.
So you're basically suggesting a melee range stun ability that will most probably miss with delay and is easily outclassed by the antigrav's emp ability?

Doesn't exploder have this anyway?
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.
well yeah, exploder has it, but not to that use. U stomp, do dmg, and stun. not loose down to 1hp. Any way, was just a suggestion. fuck it thenSmile

Another skill then, a "hammer fall" skill. Just like goblins hit-on-the-head, but with no "actuall" target. hit the ground (ofc a delay, from click, to boom). Problem is, only gobin has a big ass hammer, that wud b good for this, but cant have 2 skills that are that much alike ... again, just a suggestion!
Suit up!
HK416 Wrote:Another skill then, a "hammer fall" skill. Just like goblins hit-on-the-head, but with no "actuall" target.
Something like this?

Attached Files Image(s)
:shock: ROFL
Well, i did made that spell about 9 months ago when I was participating in wc3c elemental spell contest. HK416 just accidentally suggested something I've already made, so I couldn't resist posting that image of a giant hammer creating a shockwave xD.
... maybe a smaler scale?Tongue
Suit up!

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