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[Tutorial]Tech Mech 101
Tech Mech 101

1) General Notes On Using Tech Mechs

2) Carrying Items

3) Repairing Tanks

4) Repairing Structures

5) Capturing Control Points

6) Defending Control Points

1) General Notes On Using Tech Mechs

Tech Mech:

Gold Cost: 350
Hitpoints: 500 + 50 x Force Armor Upgrades
Survivor – 75 % Chance to evade physical attacks and 75 % spell damage reduction.
Repair - Heals 90 hp / sec.
Control Point Teleport


When you get a Tech Mech you should instantly turn off the automatic use of the repair ability. Auto-Repair will make your Tech Mech run towards damaged tanks/structures to repair them. The problem here is that the Tech Mech will follow damaged tanks straight into the battle if you’re not looking at it all the time to stop this behavior. As the Tech Mech is a fragile unit, it will die quickly in battle for the cost of the invested 350 gold. Disabling the auto-repair will prevent the Tech Mech from running into death. The drawback is the additional actions you will need to give orders manually. Nevertheless that is not that big of a deal, as giving the heal command once is enough to order the Tech Mech to heal the targeted tank/structure completely.

The Shift Key Orders:

An easy to do trick to control Tech Mechs more efficient is using the shift key to issue more then 1 consecutive orders. By shift clicking you can give any unit a couple of orders the unit will follow after the previous order. For example: “Shift click repair tower + shift click move to the Headquarter + shift click repair factory” will have the result: Tech Mech repairs the tower (to full hitpoints), then moves to the Headquarter and then repairs the factory (to full hitpoints). Most frequently you will use this way of giving orders for the Tech Mech to repair a couple of towers or repair one structure and retreat to main base afterwards.


The most important thing for controlling Tech Mechs is using Controlgoups. Binding the Tank with strg + <number> and the Tech Mech with strg + <another number> is essential for faster control. Pressing the number assigned to the unit will select it, pressing it twice will jump the camera to the unit.

2) Carrying Items

The Tech Mech can buy and pick up/drop items and carry them. It can’t use or upgrade any items and can’t combine them with blueprints. It can’t buy Batteries or Updates and neither is it able to set up Factories/Troop Command Centers.

Tech Mechs can use control point teleport for free, making them excellent in transporting items from the main base to the tank without spending additional gold into control point teleport. As getting a single item with control point teleport costs 150 gold for tanks, the Tech Mech will be profitable when it saves you from shopping at the main base 3 times.

In addition to saving gold, shopping by Tech Mech will save you time as well. You might creep in the time the opponent needs to buy weapons at the main base, giving you an gold and experience advantage. See all replays.

3) Repairing Tanks

The Tech Mech repairs 90 hp / sec, which is as much as a level 3 Tinker Repair. Using that repair to heal tanks is viable: a) at the allied control point: and b) in the early game on the open field.

a) You can shorten the healing time at the control point by using the Tech Mech to repair. Be sure to drop the hull when no opponents are close to provide faster heal. It is important to retreat the Tech Mech after healing at the control point to prevent it being sniped. See especially replays C, D, E.
b) In the early game you might use the Tech Mech to heal your tank on the field, making it possible to skip time without creeping at the control point. This is only viable in the early game, as higher level tanks (and more expensive tanks) will kill it incredible fast. The repaired hit points will be rather low in comparison to the total hit points in the late game anyway.
Even in the early game it is not a wise decision to keep the Tech Mech in the front line. It should always stay in the back, but still close enough to repair soon. See replay A.

4) Repairing Structures

Repairing structures is always important. It is especially viable to keep the tower at the side lane control points at good hit points (most important in 1v1/2v2 play, where the side lanes are not occupied) and repair damaged factories. Keep in mind that repairing should only be done when the opponent isn’t close to the repaired structure and repairing Tech Mech, as it will be sniped easily. See all replays.

5) Capturing Control Points

Tech Mechs are able to buy towers and barricades at ruins. Those can capture control points like normal tanks. The most common way to use this, is keeping a Tech Mech hidden close to the control point, for example under trees, buildings, bushes, etc.

As soon as there is no opponent is close enough to reach a control point in time (look for teleporters!) the Tech Mech can run to the tower ruin at the control point, set a barricade up and capture the control point. See Replay C.

You might combine this with attacking another control point, especially by using Teleporter yourself: Start capturing 2 or more control points at the same time. Even if you die, in most cases the opponents won’t be able to save both control points. See Replay B.
It is especially viable in 1v1 play. See Replays C, D.

The best response to any opponent who you know to use Tech Mechs for capturing control points is to keep an eye on the minimap and check most common used hiding spots (see images above).

6) Defending Control Points

The capability of building towers and barricades of the Tech Mech can be used defensivly as well. If an opponent starts capturing a control point (and builds no barricade/tower there) and you are not fast enough there (or you are at too low hp currently), use control point teleport with your Tech Mech to get to the control point and build a barricade or tower. Barricades are cheaper, but will only slow the capturing process. Towers completely stop it, until the tower is destroyed, so if you need more time (especially if your Tech Mech comes in quite late, which is common) it is more appropriate to build a cannon or laser tower.

The best response here for the attacker is to get a barricade at the attacked control point to prevent the Tech Mech from building one.

7) Access to Upgrades and Troop Command Center

Having one Tech Mech at the main base is a good idea if you use a Troop Command Center and/or plan to do upgrades, as you can do both without moving your tank back to the main base (saving gold and time). It’s a good idea to assign a control group to the Troop Command Center to provide easier handling. See Replays C, D.

Last words: Can't upload replays on the wiki currently, that's why i post it all here and will link from the wiki to the replays uploaded here^^. Wiki Entry will have additonal picturse of common hiding spots as well. Only 3 replays per post, so I need to doublepost 8[

(I got way more replays [especially 1v1], but I tried to pick ones in which the Tech Mech usage could be seen well. If more are needed or if anyone wants a replay of him to be removed just post.)

Attached Files
.w3g   Tech Mech Replay A.w3g (Size: 1.72 MB / Downloads: 413)
.w3g   Tech Mech Replay B.w3g (Size: 3.43 MB / Downloads: 395)
.w3g   Tech Mech Replay C.w3g (Size: 242.57 KB / Downloads: 427)
4th Replay.

Edit: And Wiki-Link:

Comments and direct edits (like reworking with better english whereever necessery) of the wiki page appreciated.

Attached Files
.w3g   Tech Mech Replay D.w3g (Size: 445.54 KB / Downloads: 397)
I would add some small stuff ^_6

--> 4/ Using a tech mech with tinker is really interesting in order to make build tower ^_^

--> 5/ You can also use the tech mech to do fake cp-telep ^_^

Nb: It would be fun to be able to make explosive/hull/smoke work when inside a tech mech.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Tech mech cptp doesnt create any animation at the control point, so faking is uselessWink

I will add the repair use for tinker towers. (but it might need some time, i'm writing on stuff for tier category and alternatives using parts of your tier thread currently.)
Prog Wrote:Tech mech cptp doesnt create any animation at the control point, so faking is uselessWink

I will add the repair use for tinker towers. (but it might need some time, i'm writing on stuff for tier category and alternatives using parts of your tier thread currently.)

Damn should it not do it then?Confused

Nb: concerning the wiki, I don't know how to use it ^_^
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
You can learn it quite easily (at least to the point i am now, which is not really good for wiki using, but it's ok i guess) just checking how other entries are made and checking tutorials on the site.

The good thing about a wiki is, even if you don't do it perfectly you can create a basis for others to improve it easily (and you can improve others work easily, even if it's just fixing a typo).
nice. thanks. Very useful
the thing i mostly like, is to go to a cp with your tank and build a barricade, simultaneously you do the same with the techmech, just like you said.
but then you teleport to another cp with your tank and capture this one.
that way you can try to get 3 cps at once. Big Grin
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
Thank you for this tutorial. I already saw someone of my old clan buying a Techmech for shopping during a war, but in our 1vs1 I saw how use- and powerful a single Techmech can be (especially combinated with imba Troop Command Center for 1vs1-games).
I want also to add, the meck is useful to hide item you have, for exemple factory or mine, Just make the transfer to your tank inventory when you use it.

Concerning the micro for the fight and other stuff. You have to place shortcut on your tank and on your meck. (by using ctrl + number)

The double meck strategy is a good way to play the 10 first minutes without feeding and with a creeping advantage. Just keep the autorepair and put the 2 mecks in same group.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
I love tech mech. 350g and it carries all the stuff u want it to - for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! all day long
Free tinker & free oil for airships!
Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
Quote:It can’t use or upgrade any items and can’t combine them with blueprints. It can’t buy Batteries or Updates and neither is it able to set up Factories/Troop Command Centers.

It can combine items with blueprint !! Also u can get batteries with tech without moving your tank back to baseSmile

I didnt play often vs double mech on lane but untill they get fixed in new version, does anybody know an effective tactic vs doublemech on lane, when enemy is not heli or medi ?
Multiacc will get u better Teammates maybe, but u still unskilled as before. !!
True Story
You are right that there are some false claims in there (nothing new to me, even if I don't know if they were already false 2 years ago), but I cannot edit the post because eSVau activated an only-10-minutes-to-edit function. I am also unable to edit the wiki article (error when I try to log-in). :/

btw: there are even more wrong things than the one you just pointed to, but nevertheless the core is still valid i think.

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