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Ban request (old)
Please IP ban beagle.boy

Decided he wanted to give up and intentionally ran and fed 2- 30. (See replay.)

This is a banned player returning as another name, so please ensure he can't come back.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
And Hello again^^

Game ID 10452
BTanks League Beta #43863

Zygo(light blue)..Insulted me two times....with bad bad words.( I dont like it when someone calls me "Kanacke". I know in the purposed meaning of the Word, it means "human" but in germany this word is often used to insult people. He also flamed a bit.

woshishen(Pink): Actually...I really did not want to make a Ban request for him..but if someone sees the replay for comparing my statement for light blue, they also see pinks bad behavior at the end.
At the end of the game he first decided to put his Titan in a corner so our team got the chance to attack the Main Building directly....then he decided to drop the his base...killing some mates, the castle and so on.


PS: Nevermind the name of the replay...I just hacked my Keyboard ^^
Plz...i dont know how to say it.
Achileus was afkai all the time ruining game only for %. He needs % only to play league, so he was all the time afkai.
He said that no one can ban you can prove it ^^
eSVau Wrote:a little reminder:
  • qualify games are not banable
  • reports without gamelink are not banable
  • no replay, no ban
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
This is a ban request for Onkel_Adolf(gray). After being killed in one hit by a demolisher, he threatened to go afk-ai if it happened again. The demolisher did it again, and he kept his word. He went afk for the entire hour and 24 minutes. The ai continued to feed the entire game. We were unable to give up, so we decided to just play it through. I believe he went ai at around 5 minutes, don't quite remember, but its around that. The ending score for gray was 3-140, and the demolisher that killed him had double the bounty of anyone on our team for most of the game. Thanks to our team's not giving up, we still managed to win the game with half the kills of the other team. The feeding itself hurt, but by keeping high morale we were still able to win. For this reason, I think the kick system should be adjusted but not returned to the way it was before. An ai adjustment would also help.

Game 10627:
GameID: 10627
Gamename: BTanks League Beta #32060
started: 2010-09-09 16:21:07
length: 1h23m55s

This request is for F1ghter (blue).


He went afkai around minute 7, after getting killed 2 times. He did not come back and the bot kept feeding.

so please ban him.
Nick: Bomberman111111

Reason: Suppoerted his Buddy Bomberman1111 (other team) by bombing tinker towers and on 1-2 occasions teammates. Then went into a feeding frenzy. According to him he didn't care about getting an ip-ban (he alledgedly has a protocoll that protects him from that and 2 other accounts besides :roll: ). All the while he kept insulting his teammates with a choice of the usuall adolescent lingo.

Despite this being a qualifying game I humbly request an ip ban for this guy. We totally don't need ppl like that roaming whichever server, certainly not in league games.
eSVau Wrote:
eSVau Wrote:a little reminder:
  • qualify games are not banable
  • reports without gamelink are not banable
  • no replay, no ban
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Another ban for Natrop.
He was Light blue in my last game.
I forgot to take the replay, i was a bit frustratedSmile

for Feeding by himself.
for afkai 5mins but we can't kick.
for bombing our base and us at some control point.
for being Natrop.

Sorry, i got no replay but someone like millout or Cardan will bring it.

Kingnounours- clan Toaf

take a look at the Replay and judge for yourself

Ban Request for the Player Natrop

GameID: 10796
Gamename: BTanks League Beta #32229
started: 2010-09-11 18:57:22
length: 35m30s

the reason is:feed,suicide with A-bombs,Afkai and much more
Wer aufhört, besser zu werden, hat aufgehört, gut zu sein.
I Heart my Denglisch

GermanMan1991 (green),

on beginning everything was fine, he played well, feeded a bit, he said we should attack a bit more, we said we have to watch that we dont feed.
he really did alot noob moves, he is really unskilled and i told him that, alot of times. as much as i couldWink
then, i made some fun about him because he was running with shredder and ice cannon and some smaller stuff against heavy tank with poison magic.
on min 30 he said something like "u have now a problem" and went afk but he prevent being set afk so we could not kick him.
so had 1 guy less but we did well, on min 40 after we gained alot kills and could push mid, i said if green would play we could win.
dont know whats on his mind, he started intentional feed. i told him to stop that because thats not nice and he could get banned for that.
he said "i have friends in clan bug, i wont get banned here" and feed gone on, he sold all his items and bought hulls so he was worthy enough.
in the end, he died 40 times, we lost the game and my mates were pissed because we really could win.
even if green would stand just in base and do nothin.

~=| LuVs |=~
Please ban PoseiDoom, abusing -afk and -afkai; ruining the game for his allies.

This is guys a chronic afker but is avoiding detection by abusing -afk and -afkai. He's also a chronic leaver, but avoids detection of leaving by staying in game as -afkai.

Here is the replay:

Note also at end of game he has heli while everyone else had Hunter or better.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
BTanks League Beta #32393 GameId 10960
Pls ban Yellow (zimosh). At the end of our game...cause no one typed -giveup.. he put his tank in one corner and let us do the def.. he was not afk the end(min 45) you can see him skilling a player with chain lightning while being still in one corner.

K..i did not believe that we could win this thing at the end..but seriously..doing nothing is worse than def.

Player Orange: sgtdarkangel

Lame tinker
Lame nickname
Selling all item
Feeding on purpose at 25 min
After I told he would be banned, stay in the base and don't move

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
dont ban everyone just beeing ai even if it sux.
i think next version it will be updated and it wont be possible anymore so see what the problems will be then.
My friend sent me this and you can clearly that yellow wanted to feed and ruin the game. He fights with teal about not knowing how to leave the game.
eSVau Wrote:
eSVau Wrote:
eSVau Wrote:a little reminder:
  • qualify games are not banable
  • reports without gamelink are not banable
  • no replay, no ban

gamelink gamelink gamelink gamelink gamelink gamelink gamelink gamelink gamelink gamelink
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

StarCraft II: Aggi, Charcode: 110
League of Legends: Agginator
ArGoLi Wrote:...
dont ban everyone just beeing ai even if it sux.
i think next version it will be updated and it wont be possible anymore so see what the problems will be then.

ArGoLi are you PoseiDoom?

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
Althend Wrote:Player Orange: sgtdarkangel
Lame nickname
lolBig Grin

ivailo_rs (green),

he start from beginning feed on purpose, we told him to stop it and stay behind us and the force but he flew outside our cp and died instantly.
we asked him if he got a brain and if he can use it, he said he can dance the limbo.
in the end this guy feeded so much that we could not hold the cps.
later he bought hulls so that he is worthy enough if he got killed.
all agreed that its feed on purpose but he didnt stop. :cry:

~=| LuVs |=~

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