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REMAKE ALL GUNS! new idea!
i have been thinking about how some guns are never used because of range, speed or cost and i think it would be cool if ALL weapons where 1k in cost BUT they are reduced to lower dmg and as you get more $ you can pay to upgrade it over and over that way everyone dont have the same few guns from the start and you dont have to resell your guns to make room for the ones you realy wanted in the first place and loose 50% of the $ u paid for them.
Right now, everybody has the problem that money will be lost once the starting weapons have to sold to make room, so that's alright, it doesn't penalize a particular group of players. Why would you want to make all weapons starting at the same price? You would have to set limits for upgrading certain weapons anyway, or do want to make them all equal? There's no sense in having e.g. a plasma cannon and a frost laser if they do nearly the same dmg in the beginning, cost the same, and can be upgraded equally; there would be no need for more than let's say 5 weapons if they all do more or less the same in the end. I really don't see any sense in that suggestion, sorry.
i really dislike this suggestion, too. with this sugegstion, 4-5 weapons would be enough to be purchasable in the game. your suggestion doesnt support the use of more different weapons in any way if you think about it again.

and btw: if you wanna suggest some things, thats nice. but please

1) take the time to think about it a little bit more. is it really useful? and if yes, is the effort to implement it really worth the effect? mappers are people too, which have a private life and dont get paid for entertaining you.

2) please dont just write one sentence, no matter how long it is. it either becomes impossible to understand, or it makes the suggestion appear like you just wanted to get a post counting. better use some full stops and formatting, as well as give more details about your suggestion.
no no what i mean is they all have a base price of 1k or even free... but they are all reduced in dmg. they will still have range and speed just not the dmg. here is an example.

all weapons keep range and speed but lets say we set them to having 10 upgrades each

you would then take all weapons at MAX lvl and devide its dmg by 10 and that would be its dmg when you first buy it so lets say you get a lazer lvl 1 would do 80 dps and add 80 each time you pay to lvl it
if you get a energy torpedo it would do 19 dps and add 19 per lvl

now there are issues with the lazer having a range change but you could make the range change be the last 2 upgrades and the first 8 be dmg only so the dmg would be 100 dps starting

granted devided by 10 may be a bit much so mabie 5 or something i dont know im simply giving ideas on how to have more variety from the start so please toss in some ideas too dont just bash everything

the same idea could be used on tanks aswell... but thats a bit much for now
Linearizes the game... Destroy the variaty of wepons and their tactics.


And also if all weapons cost 1k and upgrade damage as its base damage and has 10 lvls means all weapons will cost 10k at lvl10...
And wouldnt everyone take the best weapon (frost laser) and upgrade that each time? Who would buy all low cost/dmg weapons anymore? Or did i misunderstand something?
I don't think you did, I asked myself the same question, but I guess the suggestion would really make all weapons equal, at least in the beginning. I strongly oppose it, makes no sense to me, what good what that do the game? It would not improve anything.
The work you would have to invest for that would be HUGE. Right now there are 48 weapons, each with one upgrade (except laser), so that are nearly 100 weapons. With your suggestion we would have to create nearly 500 (!) weapons ... and you can be sure that I (and Bob too I guess) wont be the one to implement that.
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your still not understanding what im saying... all weapons wont cost 10k at max lvl becuase the upgrades will cost a % of the end result so for example a lazer per lvl would be 7+2.6+2.4=13k devided by 10 so it would cost 1.3k to lvl it while a frost lazer would cost 3k per lvl so NO they will not all cost 10k at max lvl and everyone will not pick a frost lazer because youll be trying to upgrade it once for the price people with a normal lazer are getting 2-3 lvls or people can buy 2 more lazers while your waiting to put one upgrade on your frost still. oh and it doesnt have to cost 1k from the start after considering that i think it would be best BALANCED if they cost 10% of the end result so a lazer would cost 1.3g and a frost would be 3k to buy if you go by what ive said its balanced from the start and you can pick any weapon you want but getting a frost lazer would leave you tankless for a while. it doesnt have to be 10 lvls. im just trying to get some variety out there from the start while keeping balance...its getting repetative and im not having as much fun as i use to. i have about 5 diff gun and tanks i choose from the start and id like more options/combos now..

if its just the programming thats the issue i dont know much about editing wc3 but me and my cuzin use to edit d2 so if you show me what needs to be done we would love to help add this option to the game.. mabie we could keep normal guns where they are and make new shops with the weaker version.... i dont know im just trying to make it more fun
I think you dont understand yourself what you are saying. Your suggestion would destroy the variety of weapons in the game. Why should you even bother to buy a weapon that formerly cost 10.000 gold or less? When the weapons would start at a 1/10 of their current price, that weapons would cost 1000 gold. You can practically remove every weapon cheaper than that, because there is no sense buying such cheap weapons, you'd need more time to upgrade them, than you can actually use them in combat ...
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Exodus Wrote:I think you dont understand yourself what you are saying. Your suggestion would destroy the variety of weapons in the game. Why should you even bother to buy a weapon that formerly cost 10.000 gold or less? When the weapons would start at a 1/10 of their current price, that weapons would cost 1000 gold. You can practically remove every weapon cheaper than that, because there is no sense buying such cheap weapons, you'd need more time to upgrade them, than you can actually use them in combat ...

i changed what i said about the 1k cost plz ready the above post. also you would buy cheaper weapons because you could get lets say 5 of them from the start or just one lazer...and you wouldnt waste time upgrading them because being cheaper means they upgrade faster... so there is still a point to buying cheap guns...
Dude just accept it, there's not much to improve, upgrading takes the ridiculously low time of 10 seconds, that's hardly long. The variety is fine as it is, and there's a greater variety once you have some money, e.g. in the range from 5-10k. Whatever you suggest, implementing it would be too much work for a rather small benefit (I really don't think that there would be any boost of fun just because weapons can be upgraded over and over), or even a reduction of the variety of weapons.
Laser and frost laser has same cooldown and range, what is the point in buying a laser instead of frost laser? one will upgrade 1200x other will upgrade 3000x... Why should i preffer a cheap weapon?

Or same is Rocket launcher and Psycho Magic. they have same cooldown and range. Why should i buy a 330 gold rocket and upgrade it 10 times to get a 3300 gold weapon instead of buying a 999 gold Psycho and upgrade it 3 times to get same weapon but one has still 7 more remaining upgrades...

Can't get the idea..........
Alright, so we start talking about insane suggestion, I'll try to make some sense in it not completely destroying it(at least immediately).

Talking about lots of weapon upgrades and huge variety of weapons there IS some solution that saw right after reading first message in this topic.

We can divide all weapons by types. For ex, types could be:
* energy weapons
* fragmentation based(artillery & rockets) weapons
* magic weapons

All these weapon types should have their own features that are not accessible on other types. Energy and Fragmentation weapon would differ in huge and Magic weapons will combine abilities of both types but lacking their one or two most exclusive features.

We can make three starting weapons: one weapon for each weapon type.
And, actually, this will be the only weapons you can buy directly.
All other weapons could be achieved by buying an upgrade part for your current weapon.
This part would have an ability to change your weapon in any way.
Each part could also have also it's disadvantages(for ex adding lots of dps can reduce weapon's range, OR adding damage increases cooldown).
Each weapon can have only fixed amount of these parts(e.g. 'modules').
Also, hard restrictions could be applied to all weapons(ex, max range must not exceed 1300, max cooldown must not exceed 3.5 seconds, etc.)

Combining these modules you can create any weapon in the game as we know it now.

Some extra weapons could be accessible to by directly, let's name them 'exotic'. Such as Flamer or other stuff that does not fall with assumed weapon types.

You can also make starting weapons to differ by price that would determine a number of modules a weapon can have.

I know what you are thinking of - this idea is much more insane than was purposed at the beginning.

Main disadvantages:
* TONNNS of works to implement
* TONNNS of work to balance
* may be very difficult to get in by noobies:)

Main benefit:
* it is very logical, 'constructive'-type and 'creative' approach to weapon buying(it's like to assemble a computer with your own hands rather than buying it directly in the shop fully assembled and sealed).
* it will add that spicy zest in your map:)

At the end:
I do not even hope that this idea would be implemented, I just took my ideas to you for your consideration.
But it would be nice to see it in somebody's mod;-)
And Thou shalt trust... The Seer.
Що, блядь, навчився читати українською?
Гнойный буйволизм, товарищи, - это ГБ!
you can argue with something just because you dont understand it... the point is there would be more variety from the game start. yes cheaper guns would have advantages over higher ones because of the main cost and the upgrade cost.. while you waiting to get 3k to upgrade your frost another guy jusy baught 2 more guns... ull get farmed if you dont handle yourself untill you can get that one upgrade for 3k... NO the upgrades arent limitless they are the exact same guns range/speed but they are all reduced to 10% dmg and cost so that they can be baught from the start and upgraded by 10% dmg for each upgrade you buy that will be 10% of the price of the CURRENT guns max upgraded cost....SIGH someone just teach me how to code ill do it myself
There are 50 weapons in game. This means 500 items, 500 abilities to be made in editor. And 450 upgrade code to be coded... Do you have an idea what these numbers mean? I think not...
If you got a few years to spend just do it... If you want to learn how to do that, go to:

Plz dont post any more replies to this topic. There is no sense... :evil:

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