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The Goblin Shredder: A Manly Man's Guide To Breaking Sh*t
The GS is the most overpowered early game tank there is if you've got your stuff down, and is the only build I still don't find boring.

Here's a step by step for the start up. This part is always consistent.

The game starts. You hit Enter and type out -rc, -zoom 5000. If you're on the Light Force (Brown) claim the TOP lane. If you're on the Dark Force (Dark Green), claim the BOTTOM lane. As the loading menu drops click the HQ and begin hitting the L key for your tank. When your tank spawns, immediately right click the lane to have a perfect start. As you pass the weapon shop, buy a Fan of Knives (Fireball an option if you're a chicken. I recommenced FOK). You're ready. Watch your tank drive up, it should hit right after the first marine dies. If you're bottom, you'll have an easy time pushing. If you're top, you've got a tiny bit harder time. You'll typically get there before your lanemate arrives. By now you have:

The cool thing about this build is how much DPS it has while retaining decent hp. It can still loose fights with basic magic wielding tanks if you're not careful, but one on one with a helicopter or anyone with any build that isn't yours and you'll win at the beginning given a little care. You're shorter range than average though. This means that your general strategy is to make sure that DPS is always on something. You want to hit his creeps as much as you can and push towards the tower so it'll eat the creeps you're pushing. The goal is to land as many hits as possible so your opponent has to start acting risky to compensate.

A note on creep pushing: Stand as far back as possible so you hit the things closest to death; you'll make way more money that way.

The first thing you buy, ideally, isn't an upgrade for your first FoK, it's another one or a machine gun. You want short range, you're going for a Shredder. If you can't get away with not getting a hull OR range, consider a Tech Mech as a 3rd option. 90 hp/sec is a big deal at the start of the game.

Ideally when you hit level 7.5 or so you've got 2.6k. Take off immediately to the tank shop and get your shredder. This is where you shine; it's your golden days in the tank world.

SKILLS: 3 Stars (Hotkey Q), 3 Tank Cannon, 1 in STUN (Hotkey E).

When you get your shredder you're OP for a while. You've got the best tank and more dps than average and people don't know your tank real well or how it's used. Besides general play, your shredder gives you another option, "Rushing".

To rush a player to death, wait until they're next to their creep wave and run directly into them. Get within 900 range of all his creeps or almost all. Hit Q. If he's got 1000 HP still, he's very dead before he can escape. Use this wherever you can get away with it. Look at the middle. Are there opportunities there? Circle around the back and exploit the players accordingly. You want to be sneaky. You're also awesome at taking control points if you didn't upgrade the FOK and managed to pick up a second weapon. You're overall the best thing on the map at close range at this point.

So you've got good at bowling over players, nice job! You've leveled a few more times (1st priority on skills is stars, then TC, then more stars. You only need one point in stun.) and you're about to be level ten. You've got around 5k if you haven't upgraded your FoKs and you've been enjoying being relatively overpowered. Your reign is at an end though as the other team is now due for their mid game tanks, which are better than you. You're level ten now though, so you're now imbal for a while again. Go to the base and buy a Poison Magic if you can afford it, or an Ice Cannon if you can't.

The unit teleporter is hilarious. Ground tanks are going to HATE you, and air is going to hate you once you get a net launcher. It starts with 800 range and it's a real pain to run into someone with 3k health and 1000 dps at the 20 minute mark or so. Next purchase is a Steel Hull or a golden one if you can get away with it without losing income. You should have at least 15 player kills by now and should still be playing risky. You should have at least a couple deaths unless it's just one of "Those games", this isn't a conservative build.

Keep your income far above everyone else's by exploiting how much more damage than them you do. Go milk a control point (Watch the map, get one person to come through by nice timing, keep doing this. Careful of groups until you've got a huge advantage.) and melee some towers to death (You can do this. Just run up, clear a creep wave and start dodging the tower shots by going one direction and then the other. It's fun.

You should feel like a damn ranger. You're the strongest short range thing on the map. Get yourself a speed pack (This can come before the hull, alternatively, if you feel even more risky) and keep shitting on people. You're awesome at defense. You're great in the middle game. This means that if you're good, you should be pushing on the base by about 40 minutes at the latest with balanced teams. It's hard for you to siege though; this build sucks fat dick at besieging. You're going to have trouble. Best bet is to look for opportunities that are cleanly undefended OR back up your buddies. Better to back up your buddies on the whole, but feels less "Interesting".

3. HULL (Gold or Steel)
4. 2 FOKs, Un-upgraded

This is where it gets interesting. Did you just siege them to death? No? Shit. If you're not fed you're about to be underpowered. Start feeding off the weak and building a backup account; you need a bigger tank if you want to follow common sense.

I don't do that.


You've got like 2000 dps. That's a shittonne. Lets add more! One more Pmagic and you're in happy land while you build up to a good ending weapon and a second hull.

Still successful despite your low hp? Enjoying how fast you can recharge at control points? Get a Darkness Cannon or another weapon costing around 13k. Blaster is also acceptable. Stay short ranged if you want to get the kick out of it.

This builds more fun than average. It's also hard to maintain a tier two tank against Titans. You need, at the titan phase, 2 UPGRADED Gold hulls, 2 UPGRADED Pmagics, Speedpack, Great weapon. (I've had games where it's got to Titans and I'd still be favorable in KD. Getting swarms is a big deal.) This build is AWESOME UNTIL RIGHT NOW. If you had common sense you'd have stopped at the part where I mentioned that it got damn difficult, but NOOOOOO, and here we are. You've got the teleporter though. Bitches don't know bout your teleporter.

Even a titan, full health at 35k, will fall VERY quickly to your >6k DPS. You've gotta stun at appropriate times, but you're still handy and a massive annoyance. You're also the fastest tank in the game with upgraded Goblin Engineering, 522 MS. Very, very fun.

And no matter what, with this build, you feel like a high speed asshole, SHITTING ON EVERYONE at all phases of the game. Late game it's because you're still so tiny that makes it fun. Early game you're op but hard to use. It's interesting and my favorite build by far.

Oh, and by the way, if you're going shredder you've gotta be a CHAMPION OF SHIT TALKING. Why's your team Dark, spend all your gold teleporting back, can't afford the lights? Steal a TV, Jamal? Fuck off Blue, your family portrait looks like someone took a dump on a picture of Oprah, YOU'RE MY BIIIIITCH, SHIT FACE! Etc.

It's really important that you shit talk because it's easy to justify as attempting to enrage the other team, which you are, because it's fun.

-Use some damn nets on airships. Even if you don't get the kill someone else will and you'll have pissed someone off. This is your goal.
-Snoop around
-Look at the minimap at least once every minute. Seriously it's a box that tells you where your bitches are at. Every pimp needs to know where his bitches are.
-Get a teleporter on top of your tele; teleport into spots NEAR people and then tele them into uncomfortable situations. Want to impregnate Green, but he's staying away? Teleport like way the hell past him and pull him into the woods for "Suprise "Conversation"".
-You can teleport people over a large variety of things that make them feel safe. Fences, their base walls, your base walls, their Aunt Cindy, on to your control points, etc, but not their mothers because that shits FUCKING WIDE. Make sure you tell them so. You really are the most annoying thing on the entire map for every single tank that isn't you. Also netting someone when they fly over impassible terrain just DROPS THEM RIGHT OFF OF IT, typically letting you break their shit.

Also I'll post more detailed guides on dealing with individual builds early game later on. For now it's 3:05 in NY and I gotta drop a deuce.

GOOD LUCK and make sure you remember to TELL EM HOW YOU FEEL while you play.
Looks fine...
But when you ll be able to buy your shredder, you cannot kill your opponent with just one skill (Q) cause he bought fresh new STEEL HULL or Thunder tank and now he got more HP than You, and if it is Thunder you got 0 chances with combo skill Q+R...
Nice guide, tried it a few times and it works out very well, you just need your hull early enough if you face heavy tanks.
I can upload my last game with schredder, went like 45-10, switching on frost.

Attached Files
.w3g   Shredder.w3g (Size: 1.13 MB / Downloads: 278)
Your replay is not a good example.
Your opponent was stupid like blind monkey.
If you got "real" enemy, you got no chance with that range of weapons. You wouldn't even get off from your cp.
I tried it too and you can do it only when your opponent is stupid as yours from replay. In other way - no chance. 750 range is not good enough.
Well, if you can't get the kills early on, np just don't die and farm creeps until you get the schredder.
After that you can kill, when you reach lvl 10.
according to your nice guide I upload a replay where we played 5 shredders all the game. Wasn't pro, but fun. Big Grin

Attached Files
.w3g   Shredder Start.w3g (Size: 814.79 KB / Downloads: 269)

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