i really shouldn't wait for them to amass like this... xD
eSVau Wrote:player: EaSy2WiN4YoU http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=3325
game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=7123
reasons: insults and flames
well... confirmed insulting and flames... and some strange action, dying against heli with starshooter on ground, telling it was only luck... funny guy. you may even add feeding on purpose there. anyways, ban request
eSVau Wrote:player: Control_Freak http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=1829
game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=7282
reason: insults, not playing on purpose (patroling at HQ couple of times), announcing to feed on purpose to end this game
confirmed not playing a few times, though for little duration. he announced to feed on purpose but didn't do it as effective as he could. also the whole team tried to give up the game twice but you didn't accept it, so i guess it's even. hence i
disapprove of the ban request.
Redemption11 Wrote:The Game http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=7288
The players Red: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=3372
Green: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=1048
Green gave up in the middle of the game and he was flaming about his team and red was flaming our team calling people useless and stuff when they werent. Red also did it last game I did with him.
at most it's some pretty flaming. nothing out of ordinary in a league game. hence i
disapprove of this ban request.
eSVau Wrote:*sign* ninjakiller did not stop, so i report the previous game :P
game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=7285
player: ninjakiller http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=3372
reason: insult, flame
guess, it's his bad habit to flame. but still, flaming only won't suffice, so i still
disapprove of the ban request. well, he may not expect a disapproval for a third time though. ^^
daCe Wrote:player http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=1979
game http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=7418
reason: he play tinker in mid.he lose his tower,and his weapon dropp in mid.after that,the enemies controll mid.they dropp mines near the weapons,and def it hard.after a while,he start with crying.no1 will help him,and much more.anytime he say he will feed.he buy a Abomb,drop it mid(no1 see it )and kill kama.gr and me with this bomb.his result is 1-16.no1 need guys like him.
confirmed feeding on purpose as light tank and bombing mates as well as flaming and insulting. he could have picked up a hull and get it back fast but waited, so it's his own fault. so i
approve of this ban request.
LIoOoOoIL Wrote:ID: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=7475
Player: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=70
reason: he played tinker in mid, then all his towers got destroyd. After this he build troop-facs at the side of their base and started to plant mines on cps.
So we bought Defuse Kit-s to explode his mines, but he still planted them even in his base. No ups for the Team, no other tank... nothing.
Ok he didnt feed but... it was a 4on4 game but income for 5.
they couldnt kick him, cause no feed or afk about 5mins... thats just lame and unfair for the team.
well, he played quite well supporting with tinker. only loosing mid that way was quite unlucky, but in all i see only an experienced tinker player. hence i see no reason at all for a ban request.
Althend Wrote:Reason: started to feed on purpose at 55th min
Name: CoH_A-Hoernchen http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=2962
Game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=7695
confirmed feeding on purpose as well as flaming. it was a pretty good match even with the leaver in the beginning. loosing then reasoning it with feeder and low leavergold is quite stupid. hence i
approve of the ban request of the bt goddess, i guess? ;D
eSVau Wrote:game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=7787
- http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=3445 IIlIIIllIlIIll (1)
reason: insult; destroying economy - sold stuff and bought xp, idled in base but kept himself from being auto afk.
- http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=3204 FcuKaDuck (1)
reason: dropping his weapon and feeding on purpose
confirmed both action, but the game had been already over when FcuKaDuck started to feed on purpose. hence i
disapprove of the ban request for FcuKaDuck but
approve of the ban request for IIlIIIllIlIIll.
Baaaaaaaaam Wrote:Player: Zockerjunge
game id http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=7788
player id http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=3219
reason: he feeded first, then sold items for bombs, suicided, switched tanks as long as he has money for it.
confirmed the actions as well as flaming and insulting. hence
RaptorXI Wrote:Player: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=2573
Game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=7815
Reason: noob behavior, insults, refused to play after ~30 min, placed mines and attacked allied buildings and players by destryoing them
confirmed actions, he could have left game if he thought it was already lost. i
approve of the ban request.
eSVau Wrote:game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=7876
player: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=3618 ShamanPowers (2)
reason: abuse, blocking creeps inside base.
well, confirmed the abuse, but the game had been already over. so i guess i just didn't want you to creep in base when defending. hence i
disapprove of the ban request.
Althend Wrote:Game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=8017
Player: pinkiiiiiiiiiii (1) http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=3405
Reason: Cause lame mine play unuseful as shit and don't care about what people say. Saving to piss people...
Player: ultra.tank (4) http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=2893
Reason: Defuse allied mine and do not play until the end isntead of leaving...
well, confirmed both action, but pinki used mines to feed less while ultra.tank really destroyed the defence obtained by the mines. hence i
disapprove of the ban request for pinkiiiiiiiiiii but
approve the ban request for ultra.tank.
themanhandler Wrote:Player: podlokotniki.ru http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=3154
Game in question: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=8059
Ban reason: feeding (1:9 in 17 min, not the reason though), then selling everything and buying xp when we tried to kick him around ~27:30min.
confirmed bad economy when he knew he would be kicked next time, so i
approve of the ban request.
PaPPa_D Wrote:Reason: 1 J3RICHO is a total noob, started to feed, tryed to buy a bomb 2 bomb own base an was a total retard.
Ill admit that after I while I started to flamme alot, because kick system is a joke an J3RICHO 2.
Why is it that we cant balance a game with a noob like him?=???
I like 2 ask for a BAN on player J3RICHO nad HOPE others from game will comment here to insure he get banned.
Player: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=948
Game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=8036
your so called kick for balance was one of the reasons why we changed it. if you're not happy with the current calculation, pls join the discussions.
as for the request, i confirmed not playing and pretty much flaming. so i
approve of the ban request.
stibi- Wrote:player http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=3385
game http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=8170
reason: feeding on purpose (dying till we could kick him)
confirmed kamikaze action, thus feeding on purpose, hence i
approve of the ban request.
Redemption11 Wrote:The Game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=8474
Player: Saltwater http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=3766
Grey: Pestiferius http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=1826
Saltwater he started to flame from the start then he sold everything and bomb the bot control point then left. Pestiferius stop playing at the end of the game and we couldnt kick him.
confimed both actions and
approving ban request of Saltwater for bombing allied cp and
approving ban request of Pestiferius for being afk for more than 40 minutes, saving ~45k gold.
robbsen Wrote:Game: http://league.btanks.net/game.php?gameid=8513
Player: http://league.btanks.net/player.php?playerid=2166
Reason: player TitanTank bought a scout with 6 goldhulls after one teammate left early and another one disconnected after 1 hour and a few min
so he decided to no longer play by selling weapons and tank to scout and goldhulls
well... confirmed sell all stuff and buying only gold hull. but the game was already over, hence i
disapprove of the ban request. on the other hand, why did you save the game? it's of no use but may cause people to lagg out. well, now you're warned. ;-)