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Current state of BT - your opinion
Hey there,
I figured that I neglected something in the development of BT, which I valued quite high in the past. That's your opinion. I used to make several polls to see how players felt about certain aspects of BT, but that wasn't the case lately.

So I want to start doing this again. We tend to discuss too much things internally and only presenting you the outcome of these discussions. So lets begin with your general opinion of Battle Tanks right now.

  1. What did you like about the recent development of BT?
  2. ... and what didn't you like about it?
  3. Which part of the game feels like the most fun for you?
  4. ... and which part don't you like at all?
  5. What should be added/changed over the next versions?
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I will start with a single feedback.

Exodus Wrote:
  1. What did you like about the recent development of BT?
  2. ... and what didn't you like about it?
I like: Most of the changes in general.

I dislike: I don't like the fact that the latest skills added to the game, isn't following the linear balancing of other old school skills properly imo which other tanks have, which is making battle tanks special compared to other AoS maps. The architect in beta version is such an example where almost all his skills doesn't follow the normal 1-2-3-4-5 for nornal skills and 4-5-6-7-8 for ultimates. I can understand that his portal ability is a bit special, just like the teleport ability for tinker, but I still think it's a bit wrong. But it's still beta.

I will comment other features later.
You can find many answers to your questions already, but takes much time to read every single post and take everyone for real, maybe too much to request it.
Since you take the trouble and ask I don't leave without an answer:
1. Although I often have the feeling that it's wasted time to give feedback/make a suggestion I really wonder what sometimes happens (that you even changed the terrain again and when Ghost Tank was remade for example), and that you are added 'little features' (like -md command, Seeker unit, recharge items). I like the Architect, too.

2. There is no 'hosting culture' anymore, the only place where you can find a game without waiting 1 hour are velocity's bots (don't take it offensive, playing is fast and there are only rare errors, but you own the monopol by now). Things are being discussed too much, maybe you should just release a version from time to time (trying to make a game perfect is a noble aim, but impossible...).

3. When you just pick a mode, buy some crap and start to play. When a 2h game ends without leavers, kicks or flaming. When there are a games where you can see the whole spectrum of tanks, weapons and items. The games where suddenly of one the mappers joined where all nice, too.

4. The pro-mentality and tank balancing.

5. Where are the models who like this game???
What did you like about the recent development of BT?

The improvement concerning the balance, the new terrain, the possibility to buy stuff at cp, the league system that is a great improvement.

... and what didn't you like about it?

No new tanks for year, no new tiers 3-4 tanks. The focus on early game instead of mid-end game.
Btanks did not change much since 1.5 years. People get more and more bored to see same stuff. Community is dying due to lack of new content.

Which part of the game feels like the most fun for you?

Private games. Beating people with shredder, guard cause teamplay is the best :p

... and which part don't you like at all?

I don't like idiot people and especially selfish people. Yeah it is not linked to the map

What should be added/changed over the next versions?

New tanks absolutely, especially for tiers 3-4. Fck bored of end game with hunter-inf-sky-titan... Especially Titan war.
We need real support tank for tiers 3-4. Or even better, create a shreguard, merging of guard and shredder for tiers 3 :p
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
What did you like about the recent development of BT?

I like 2 things the mappers are trying: (1) shorten game time, e.g. increase gold income while keep game balance; (2) encourage team-play, e.g. shorten CP taken time when more players are there.

I hope the mappers can still do better on this way.

... and what didn't you like about it?

Some small things that barely used in the league games, like new items in CP

Which part of the game feels like the most fun for you?

1. The team play, i.e. defeat strong enemies together with good friends. The btanks is a team game after all.

2. Take every small advantages to make self more stronger than enemies. Like a good move for a kill, and save the golds for something big, and get there a bit faster than the other team on the lane etc. It makes you to focus every second. But ofc, the enemy cannot be noob.

... and which part don't you like at all?

I don't have anything dislike at all.

What I don't like, is the game sometimes become too much predictable. For example, if I get a gobolin, then i will get tp, posion and nets etc. I knew there will be a short time critical for saving before gobo, also i knew there is a period i can jump and kill for advantages. If players can forseen more or less over 1 hour game later. The game is just like repeat doing same thing.

I guess my point is similar to Althend. But I also have some other ideas to introduce the variety. For example, make a "weapon of the game" which randomly choose a weapon and add 20% dps to it in a game for everyone who buys that, so the players are forced to try out the things they normally don't use. Similarly we can try "tank of the game" too.

What should be added/changed over the next versions?

No comments on this. No matter what the mappers do, I will stay with the btanks. But the gaming time will be less and less depending on the private life.
olivercamel Wrote:What did you like about the recent development of BT?

I like 2 things the mappers are trying: (1) shorten game time, e.g. increase gold income while keep game balance; (2) encourage team-play, e.g. shorten CP taken time when more players are there.

Yeah that's a good feedback. I also like those changes.

Althend Wrote:... and what didn't you like about it?

No new tanks for year, no new tiers 3-4 tanks. The focus on early game instead of mid-end game.
Btanks did not change much since 1.5 years. People get more and more bored to see same stuff. Community is dying due to lack of new content.
Well, I can at least agree that 1 more end game tank would indeed be exciting. If you look at my old BT mod there's some end game tanks if you are looking for ideas (Judicator? Lava Robot? Chrono Robot? in insane rush) :mrgreen:

But I think it will be hard to balance a new tank, especially end game tanks so focusing on balancing the game itself will be priority.

Exodus Wrote:
  • ... and what didn't you like about it?
While I'm posting, I thought on the troop command, mortar and advanced troop command. Their are often used well, and they are indeed much better than a single 5-6k weapon, I'm not sure somthing can be done here to balance it, as I see it's quite strong compared too it's cost. Is there a way to make it slightly weaker? That is my opinion.
There are way to much tinkers and long range guys - well tinker may drop with next version (at least i hope so) buy long range still bores like hell.

So i still suggest making long range less attractive - i've suggested once a stacking speed malus for long range weapong to shorten their mobility or drop long range dmg so those weapons sucks even more...
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Thanks for your opinions so far.
TKF Wrote:I dislike: I don't like the fact that the latest skills added to the game, isn't following the linear balancing of other old school skills properly imo which other tanks have, which is making battle tanks special compared to other AoS maps. The architect in beta version is such an example where almost all his skills doesn't follow the normal 1-2-3-4-5 for nornal skills and 4-5-6-7-8 for ultimates. I can understand that his portal ability is a bit special, just like the teleport ability for tinker, but I still think it's a bit wrong. But it's still beta.
Well ... this sure is an unusual complaint. Aside from the fact, that most of his skills in fact do follow this formula, I don't see any reason why it would be bad to have skills that don't follow it. What's important, is the fact that the skills are balanced, and when they are it's only secondary which formula they used for their numbers. This rule has only been implemented to make balancing way easier (just like the standard cooldown of 40 seconds for every skill). You might have noticed, that the latest changes to the tanks favor short cooldown skills. I just do that to get more action in the game, since I think it's not the optimum, if you have a short fight, use all your skills and can't do anything for the next 40 seconds at all.

RaptorXI Wrote:You can find many answers to your questions already, but takes much time to read every single post and take everyone for real, maybe too much to request it.
Since you take the trouble and ask I don't leave without an answer:
1. Although I often have the feeling that it's wasted time to give feedback/make a suggestion I really wonder what sometimes happens (that you even changed the terrain again and when Ghost Tank was remade for example), and that you are added 'little features' (like -md command, Seeker unit, recharge items). I like the Architect, too.
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. Do you criticize the fact, that - in your opinion - feedback or suggestions are ignored in general?

Althend Wrote:... and what didn't you like about it?

No new tanks for year, no new tiers 3-4 tanks. The focus on early game instead of mid-end game.
Btanks did not change much since 1.5 years. People get more and more bored to see same stuff. Community is dying due to lack of new content.


What should be added/changed over the next versions?

New tanks absolutely, especially for tiers 3-4. Fck bored of end game with hunter-inf-sky-titan... Especially Titan war.
We need real support tank for tiers 3-4. Or even better, create a shreguard, merging of guard and shredder for tiers 3 :p
Yeah, I know that the map lacked new content lately. I'll try to add more new stuff over the next few versions. I also have some nice ability ideas, that I want to implement and there is still the unfinished tank, that Pala started. I'm also in favor of a late support tank (well, support in general), so I guess it won't take that long until we'll have a new tank in that area.

TKF Wrote:
Exodus Wrote:
  • ... and what didn't you like about it?
While I'm posting, I thought on the troop command, mortar and advanced troop command. Their are often used well, and they are indeed much better than a single 5-6k weapon, I'm not sure somthing can be done here to balance it, as I see it's quite strong compared too it's cost. Is there a way to make it slightly weaker? That is my opinion.
Troop Command tends to be stronger in early game and loses it's strength in mid and late game. Also, it should be clear, that those items are stronger than a weapon of the same price class, since you can't use them all the time, in contrast to a normal weapon. Imo they are fine.

eSVau Wrote:There are way to much tinkers and long range guys - well tinker may drop with next version (at least i hope so) buy long range still bores like hell.

So i still suggest making long range less attractive - i've suggested once a stacking speed malus for long range weapong to shorten their mobility or drop long range dmg so those weapons sucks even more...
Well yeah, there have been many opinions about these weapons. There are several possibilities to change something (in case, that it is really necessary). For instance, I could reduce the overall range of the long range weapons to 1200, while still keeping the formula intact (which results in more damage). But I wouldn't change them right now, except maybe a lot of peopole now tell me otherwise ;)

More feedback is still appreciated, keep 'em coming ;)
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
Exodus Wrote:I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. Do you criticize the fact, that - in your opinion - feedback or suggestions are ignored in general?

Not in general, maybe just something personal with few guys in here.

Exodus Wrote:What should be added/changed over the next versions?
Less waiting for new versions and less betas. Just release!
RaptorXI Wrote:
Exodus Wrote:What should be added/changed over the next versions?
Less waiting for new versions and less betas. Just release!
Give me more free time and I'll release faster. Releasing a buggy version results in bad gaming experience for the players and a lot of stress for me.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
I am also against the low mana regen update just to make us buy the mana regen item. It slows the game and is make all players have long break between everything. The cd of skill should be enough to stop any abuse :o
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Erm ... there is no "low mana regen" update. In case you are talking about the fact, that mana regeneration has been very slow just after respawn, this was a bug and has been fixed in the betas already.
Aside from that, there were no changes to mana regeneration.
This post has been brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere, get used to it.
RaptorXI Wrote:
Exodus Wrote:What should be added/changed over the next versions?
Less waiting for new versions and less betas. Just release!
With the beta-bot we can eliminate many bugs before the release. The current betaphase is quite long because of a lack of time. If we release them faster we would have more bugs in the versions and maybe we couldn't even put them on the ranked and qualify bot.
And with the league we need a good map with a minimum of bugs and highly balanced new tanks/items in the "final" release.
i want a 30k weapon with 750 to 800 range a dual one !

how about the grav of the hunter having hp so it can be killed not sure if this can be done with balance just a thought

why is there no weapons at 1200?1250 if im not right mixing it up

the ultimate pack is the ultimate pack ...any suggestions just wondering to make it stronger for the 1 slot it offers alot....just wondering

if you going to get rid of the telling you now if don't get rid of it now....which i hope you do....people will to the mid towers....and trying to get it.....well the noobs and its true if they can have a tower the will be happy get rid of mid towers.....i hate it..on left and right ..of the middle shop

hrmm some new awards....maybe person to took the most healing runes?who took the most damage my weapons.....umm person who stayed the same longest duration?

these are just random stuff from the top of my head
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
BENNIE.FM Wrote:if you going to get rid of the telling you now if don't get rid of it now....which i hope you do....people will to the mid towers....and trying to get it.....well the noobs and its true if they can have a tower the will be happy get rid of mid towers.....i hate it..on left and right ..of the middle shop
OT: I guess your dot-key is brokenTongue
I HATE HATE HATE this stuipid "top solo" "bot solo" mentality. Why should certain players get advantages over others simply because they can shout louder and faster? Something needs to be done about the imbalance of gold/exp beetween the middle and side lanes.
@ UnifiedDoom: 4 vs 4 intern gamesWink so middle and lane gold/exp are balanced

1. What did you like about the recent development of BT?
That there is still develepmont and balancing after years and you not afraid to add or rework the map fundamentally. Big tanks to all mapeprs and developers of the apst years for the effort (I'm really eager to take a look into your (german) inside-aera one day Big Grin).

2. ... and what didn't you like about it?
Trader and exploder are gone and haven't been and haven't been any new tries since ages. Undecided And some weapons really suck (namely here:
Also there are some strategies are corrupted by prejudice but i guess that's nothing you can change.

3. Which part of the game feels like the most fun for you?
Playing with friends, meeting new people, playing on a competetiv level (league, btt) seeing alternative tactics that work (!) winning games after 2h that seemed to doomed, playing for fun (10k royal flush with bots because no1 else likes it).

4. ... and which part don't you like at all?
Having noobs in game (not new players but people who make playing pain in the assk). Leavers (rage quit Dodgy).

5. What should be added/changed over the next versions?
Nerf mass bombardings at start plz it's annoying (maybe make it 1250-1750 gold weapon), keep balancing so all tanks find their place, the main builds still lead to airsgip/heavy and save for infernal.

- Missile [Q] is soooo slow, never hits in time with only little damage.
- Pacifista: I never give him weapons and think it's not recommended unless you are really fed. I like it more with speed and other items like nets, mines, breakers. Maybe make a so the range limitation only afflicts the explosion after death and not the ability of using items and weapons?
- also read for this tank.

Mines + Defuse:
Although many hate it and i have my problems remembering with them, it's really easy to counter them with a defuser. A skilled players doesn't even need radar sight (if you know Minesweeper).
What about little more dmg: 1700/3400/5100 for medium/heavy/huge or + 5% increasement per ofrce weapon upgrade?
And/or 10 mana cost per tried defuse.

I play it alot yes, but in opposite to most I believe it's much better at mid. Yet the stun and ulti deal only few dmg (and make me skill each of them only to lvl 1-2). Also the aura would be better with 700-777 range imo.

Passive abilty [E] and ulti too weak.

Metal stars [Q] not good enough if u want the full damage. Also the ulti would be better with 1000 range at start but lower increasement (150 per level).

Anyway, thanks for all the good moments and games I had within the last 5-6 years. I'm trying to enjoy it as long as it lasts. Smile
(2011-03-04, 14:23:46)Exodus Wrote: For instance, I could reduce the overall range of the long range weapons to 1200, while still keeping the formula intact (which results in more damage).
Oh hell no!

Gameplay is already biased towards overused, overated 1k ranged. People just dont care and/or forget the fact that 1k range are the worst value for money. Most of the people that hate LR are people that get owned by LR, or find themselves in ruined games by noobs that feed with LR (but noobs will feed with any weapon range regardless).

I don't mind you adding additional 1200 range weapons, just as long as you don't remove or change beloved/behated 1300 ranged weapons that has been with battle tanks since the dawn of mankind.

1. What did you like about the recent development of BT?
Mass converter buff, finally it is a plausible item (it still kinda sucks, but at least now it is half worth the investment)
2. and what didn't you like about it?
Deflective armour biasing late game even more towards the overused supercell. As well as Deflective armor biasing late game away from the underused physo-laser.
3. Which part of the game feels like the most fun for you?
T3 stage. Weapon and tank choices are at an all time high between T2 and T3.
4. and which part don't you like at all?
T4 stage of the game sucks. Just no diversity whatsoever. Lack of late game tanks and lack of HP upgrading items make it a 3 tank challenge. Even worse there is a lack of late game weapons. In particular 777 range, 550 range, 888 Range and 1300 range
5. What should be added/changed over the next versions?
More late weapons with varied ranges, more late tanks, high HP items to allow T3 tanks a chance to be used as T4 Tanks
(2012-08-27, 00:53:23)Teo_live Wrote: Gameplay is already biased towards overused, overated 1k ranged. People just dont care and/or forget the fact that 1k range are the worst value for money. Most of the people that hate LR are people that get owned by LR, or find themselves in ruined games by noobs that feed with LR (but noobs will feed with any weapon range regardless).

Wrong, Long Range is overpowered in all phases of the game except the infernal/sky fort phase where the abilities of both tanks force close range builds for maximum effectiveness (which is stuipid). The thing about long range is it's only used by people who are noob, or pros who are clowning around (or nowadays abusing it's overpoweredness in 1v1 lane). If people with longrange had decent map awareness and decided to use serious items (troops, smoke machine, breakers, teleporter) instead of just massing weapons, they would be unbeatable.

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