2011-03-08, 14:11:37
I have a little balancing idea for the final stats. i mean the percent rate between 0-0.15 for the looser and 0.85-1 for the winner team which is essential for the final points.
i dont know the real formula to calculate this values, but the tank worth plays a big part of it.
the problem is that any money which you spent for the team is not reflected by this value. if you buy barricades, repair bots for towers, new facs, troops and ofc updates you loose tank worth in propotion to your teammates. but this are very important thinks to win a game, so its unfair that you are punished by less points for the win.
here my last game: BTanks League RANKED #9639. i have done 8 ups to buy a titan and had at the end of the game 25k to buy a titan but we lost before i got it. i ruled the game but only got 0.11 cause i spent to much money for the team and a huge tank instead of buying more and more weapons like my teammates did.
Here is my idea: Dont use the ingame tank bounty for the tank worth in the final game stats. Calculate it from the tank bounty plus all other money which you spent for any teamitems. Its also appropriate to add the saved money which you have at the game end. Then you dont get punished when you save for a big tank
I have a little balancing idea for the final stats. i mean the percent rate between 0-0.15 for the looser and 0.85-1 for the winner team which is essential for the final points.
i dont know the real formula to calculate this values, but the tank worth plays a big part of it.
the problem is that any money which you spent for the team is not reflected by this value. if you buy barricades, repair bots for towers, new facs, troops and ofc updates you loose tank worth in propotion to your teammates. but this are very important thinks to win a game, so its unfair that you are punished by less points for the win.
here my last game: BTanks League RANKED #9639. i have done 8 ups to buy a titan and had at the end of the game 25k to buy a titan but we lost before i got it. i ruled the game but only got 0.11 cause i spent to much money for the team and a huge tank instead of buying more and more weapons like my teammates did.
Here is my idea: Dont use the ingame tank bounty for the tank worth in the final game stats. Calculate it from the tank bounty plus all other money which you spent for any teamitems. Its also appropriate to add the saved money which you have at the game end. Then you dont get punished when you save for a big tank